The annual February 2 Christian Feast of the Purification, also known as Candlemas, is rooted in the older Pagan festival for Brid.
Brid is a Celtic Goddess known by many names. Among them are Brigit, Brigid, and Bride.
She is a Goddess of metal smithing, poetry, and healing. She also governs the hearth and husbandry.
There is a tradition of purification at Her festival. However, the prevalent Christian interpretation of the February 2 purification is not the Pagan vision of the purification at Brigit’s festival.
The usual Christian rite seems to foster a sense of innate dirtiness, an unworthiness of God’s love. Ugh!
Here is a Pagan purification performed at Brid’s festival: Brigit loves us exactly as we are. Her festival celebrates that spring will come soon. She helps us shake off our winter drowsiness and find renewal.
The renewal brings us hope, power, and tribal connection.
With Her loving support, we can also use Her festival to cleanse away all that has held us back—all that kept us from fulfilling our full potential and being of maximum service to our communities.
I will lead this cleansing, renewal, and personal burgeoning in a free Fairy rite on Sunday, February 2, 2025 at noon, pacific time.
During the ritual, Brid will also help attendees make plans for 2025. She will bless those plans, too.
The event will be via teleseminar—aka group phone call. If you subscribe to my newsletter, you have the information about how to attend.
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