I Carry Fey Magic Within, Fey Magic is Within All that Surrounds Me
Wholeness within and all around me.
Beauty within and all around me.
Joy within and all around me.
The Fey touch all I do.
The Fey touch all I do.
Struggle gone within and all around me.
Fear gone within and all around me.
Scarcity gone within and all around me.
Wholeness within and all around me.
Beauty within and all around me.
Joy within and all around me.
The Fey touch all I do.
There is no “other,”
within or without.
The struggle is gone.
There is only ease,
a laughing fearless child,
a garden of flawed flowers and fruits,
vegetables and insects,
all beautiful, all needed, all God.
A Good Fortune is within and around me. It is not one thing or another but is a simple all-encompassing pure Fey beauty and luck empowering any spell I do or making my day more fluid.
The Fey touch all I do.
And here is a short version of my above piece: Good Fortune blesses every area of my life.
I wrote this post in April, 2012. Let me know if you are like me—taking forever to post something, because of a bad habit of constantly writing too much to fit in books or blogs.