Reader Reviews

Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast:
A Daily Reader for Busy Parents and Their Children

. . . and for Any Way-Busy Person
Spiritual reading that fits into your day

by Francesca De Grandis
Author of Be a Goddess!

“Just by reading or listening to Francesca’s words, like the words of the Torah or Sufi, or the Tao, one can be taken into hidden worlds, worlds full of deep healings and teachings.”
– – Geoffrey “Grasshopper” Cohen

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Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast is available through its author. Click here.

17 thoughts on “Reader Reviews

    • I am so happy. Thank you! I love our sharing our lives, it is precious to me. Truly! You are such a wonderful person. Meeting you (by phone in my classes) has been a blessing, we are traveling the divine path together, in and out of classes. There is no substitute for proper companionship on the journey.

  1. Dear Francesca,
    I just now realized that your book is like a book of hours in a way – I didn’t pay such close attention beforehand what it was all about. I just wanted to read it because, well, it’s you who wrote it! I’d read the white pages if it was you who wrote them 🙂 So I was really, really delighted – we talked so much about liturgy of the hours and now I have something to use for it! This is fantastic! I have my two times of prayer a day, but sometimes they tend to be uninspired because they lack the food for thought some wise words provide. I love spontaneous prayer in my own words and also prayers learned by heart, but they don’t substitute some external input!
    Lots of love,

    • You are a darling!! Thank you for yr feedback! Yes, the book is very much about feeding our spirit daily, I love that you understand that! But you always grok what I am up to.

      I am delighted the book is useful to you!

  2. I am loving Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast! Each day is to be savored and the message for the day really encourages that. I have always loved the truth that the Goddess is happy she made me, us, everybody! Sending love and hugs!

    • Donna, thank you soooooo much! And I love feeling understood (heh, don’t we all), and you clearly understand the everpresent love i experience in and from the Universe. That makes me feel not alone. Huzzah, I have met another fellow stardusted traveler! Gratitude and hugs to you!

  3. ~* I Love, Love, Love this new book! I “feel” and “hear” you as I read the words. More Subtle~Wonderful, you sneaky rabbit… Love you so ~

    • Sandra, thank you!! And it is so funny, bc I was writing a blog today, in which I said that I have been lovingly called “sneaky rabbit” or “sneaky shaman” bc of the stealth lessons in my books and classes. And about how grateful i am for the folks who see what i am actually doing. Then, of course, you post the above. Love you muchness!!! I hAve not posted the blog yet, but you will get notice of it on my Facebook page. Hugs!

  4. I can’t say enough good things about this book, I just got it and it’s already helped me with some issues I’ve been trying to work on but wasn’t moving through. I was super excited also to find the Index in the back, I can look for something specifically in a pinch…this is a gem of living wisdom. It isn’t like reading a regular affirmation and trying to apply it; reading from this book will burrow down and down and down to the root of the issue, and starts working there on it. I will have this book with me forever. Francesca, thanks so much for the very lovely inscription. I feel blessed.

    • You are so kind, TU! I am also grateful that, so far, everyone who posted feedback on Etsy responded to my request to also post it here. That is the sort of community effort that makes indie culture possible, you are awesome! Big hug!

  5. SFD on Breakfast is a wonderful way to start your day. With it’s daily inspirational guidance, it gives oneself a passionate reminder that we all have the power within us to make our lives and the world even better. Thank you Francesca, for the artistic detail and care that went into each beautiful page. The power of your writing gives me inspiration each and everyday.

    Mark Alexander

    • Mark, u r a doll, TU! And thank you for noticing the detail work, yuh, i had to layout almost every page individually for the artwork, it means lot that that effort was not unnoticed. TU again!!

  6. Thank you, Francesca, for another amazing book. This book is an example of how you weave wisdom, practical spirituality, and whimsical fun into a daily guide that inspires the soul. Love your artwork as well – carefully chosen to complete the tapestry in a masterful way. Thank you!!! 2013 is already off to a great start!

    • Thank you.

      I am delighted you like the way I used the graphics. I worked hard to draw ornamentations that were modern but had the feel of old style spiritual texts. And, after I drew them all, I tried to insert them as was best. So yr feedback was affirming.

      You are always awesome. Yes, 2013 off to a great start, with such a wonderful community.

  7. I love, use, cherish and learn from Francesca’s sweetness, humor and good sense. I am blessed by her seemingly boundless creativity. “Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast” is charming, and a truly useful book for everyone, everyday. There is so much fun and wisdom in every page.

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