Magic is the opposite of systemic oppression.
The Goddess is the opposite of oppression.
Magic is Her loving presence.
Magic is a Pagan Goddess Who helps me have freedom, abundance, and joy.
Magic is real.
So mote it be!
I had fun that was also guerrilla Shamanism, radical action, guerrilla magic.
After I made the above graphic, I digitally put it six times on one page. Then I printed the page, cut it into six mini-flyers, and put them around town.
If you would like to do the same, request the mini-flyer page in the comment field below. That will show me your email address—which the public will not see unless you so desire—and I will send you the digital file to print.
Miscellaneous printing details that you can probably skip: If you don’t have a color printer, the page looks fine printed in black-and-white. The file is meant for 8 1/2 x 11 paper; if that size is less available where you live, let me know if it’s a problem. The file might not be my usual high-quality graphic. I struggled with reducing the graphic to fit six on a page and still maintain the quality. I don’t know what the problem was. I redid it a bunch of times so maybe it’s OK now. I can’t tell anymore; redoing the file over and over made me a bit visually numb. It is definitely a much better quality than the example on this page. And if it’s a less-than-fabulous print job, LOL, it’ll look grassroots … which it is!
I trust magic’s power because I trust the Goddess. My trust in Her is inseparable from trusting magic.
P.S. My newsletter subscribers regularly receive freebies. For example, I have sent out divination decks, magical jewelry, and digital talismans. If you’re not already subscribing, click the banner below.
Hi Francesca! Another great piece of wisdom I needed to read.
I left a comment a couple of days ago on the entry page for “Hard as a diamond” but didn’t see that it registered on the comments area. It was a hard day and it was hard to write, but perhaps there is a message for me in it not showing up- perhaps to remember not to ruminate right now, but keep allowing spontaneous help to happen! Anyway , thanks again -much love.