Tree Magic:
A Ten-Week Druidic Journey with Sacred Trees
for Prosperity, Protection, Personal Growth,
Inspiration, Magical Prowess, and Lots More
This ten-week course reveals simple, quick, effective enchantments for all parts of your life. Learn:
* how to use the magic of twenty trees sacred to the Druids
* the ancient Ogham alphabet and how to apply it magically. (I painted tiny Ogham alphabet letters to put throughout this announcement to bless this event. There is a large Ogham painting of mine towards the top of the post.)
* a wonderfully innovative, effective metaphysical principle that can make all your tree witchery more powerful. I’ll teach you lots of tree magic principles but wanted to mention this particular technique here. I discovered it experientially and then developed it over time. It is natural, easy, strong, and joyful, and is an underlying principle for all my tree enchantments. I can barely wait for class to begin so I can teach it because it’s so happy-making for me.
* how to have a personal relationship with sacred tree magic, including the Ogham alphabet. In other words, you won’t need to rely on books for information because you’ll receive information through direct experiences with tree magic, and you’ll discover how the trees work their enchantment specifically for you, as they wisely honor your unique character and path. You’ll learn a style of tree witchery that shapes itself to your physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. A personal relationship with the trees is joyful. If you already learn directly from trees, this course will help you do it at a whole new level.
Mind you, I will teach you about each tree’s specific metaphysical nature, but I’ll also show you methods for learning directly from trees, so you can continue to gain new powers from them for decades, if you so choose.
Along with everything above, this event is a true shamanic journey facilitating major transformations. These transformations will happen during our time together and probably snowball long afterwards.
Since there’s so much to this course and its journey, at first I wanted this event to take a year. But I realized a few things:
1) Many people can’t fit a yearlong event into their schedules, or pay the fee for a yearlong course.
2) The Gods didn’t want that long an event anyway.
3) I could create a spectacular ten-week event. What a journey this will be!
4) I developed building blocks for journeying with magical trees. During this intensive, we’ll use them, so they’ll be in your magical repertoire when the ten weeks end. Then, if you’re like me and want to continue journeying with sacred trees over the decades, you’ll have those building blocks, that foundation. I love offering that to you.
To pack everything in, this event has four powerful aspects:
One) Ten lessons, one per week for ten consecutive weeks. Lessons are via group phone calls. To participate, just dial your phone.
This is old-style oral tradition, which allows immense headway quickly. Enrollment limited to 16 people, so we can perform traditional Faerie spells that can only happens in a small group, and so each participant can receive individualized attention if they want it.
Two) Direct spiritual transmissions during meetings help make lessons powerful and safe, further your personal growth, and grant good luck. The transmissions also kickstart your magical prowess or bring it to the next level. They do the same for your mundane powers.
Here’s a quick definition of direct spiritual transmissions. I can’t tell you what it means for other practitioners, but in my case: I was born a good luck charm who automatically generates a field of energy that provides the benefits outlined in the previous paragraph. As such, I don’t do anything to you; I don’t inject you with energy, rearrange your energy, or even dust off your aura, LOL. I simply give off an energy during a lesson, the same way burning incense gives off a magical energy in a room.
Three) Twenty-five pages of digital handouts ornamented by my original full-color talismanic art. This witchy artwork adds further power to your journeying, both during the course and after it is over. These pages make a beautiful addition to your personal Book of Shadows.
Four) In addition to individualized attention during class, I’m available outside of class for one-on-one time by phone, should you need to privately discuss any class material or your personal issues using it, or you need support because your commitment to doing assignments falters, or you have other concerns. Private dialogue can happen after the course ends; it is important an oral tradition teacher be available one-on-one even long after a course ends; I commit to my students.
No experience needed. But even advanced practitioners will enjoy this course.
I’ll be leading two separate groups. One will meet Sundays, noon to 1:00 EST, starting February 3. The other will meet Mondays, 6 to 7:00 pm EST, starting February 4. Both groups run for ten consecutive weeks. If you choose the Sunday group, reserve Sunday April 14, noon to one, for a makeup meeting, in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned sessions. If you choose the Monday group, reserve Monday April 15, six to 7 PM.
Tuition is $354. Your carrier might charge you for the call. Pay securely with PayPal. Choose from two payment options:
Option 1) Use the Pay Now button below to pay $354 now. No PayPal account required.
Immediately after payment, email me to say whether you’re choosing the Sunday or Monday group. Or tell me in the reply field below this post.
Option 2) Use the Subscribe button below to pay in two installments: $177 now, followed by an automatic $177 payment a month later. Payments appear on the credit card associated with your PayPal account.
Immediately after subscribing, email me to say whether you’re choosing the Sunday or Monday group. Or tell me in the reply field below this post.
Once I know whether you’re choosing the Sunday or Monday group, your place is reserved. You receive course details—e.g., the phone number to dial to participate in the meetings—by email. No refunds. If you need more info, or want to discuss another payment plan, trade, scholarship, or semi-scholarship, call me: 814-337-2490.
The course’s approach to tree enchantment is unavailable elsewhere. Though you’ll learn traditional lore when relevant, a great deal of what you’ll receive isn’t the easily available traditional material, but is what I learned from the trees themselves—in direct experiences interacting with the druids’ sacred woods—and from the Goddess, combined with past life memories as a druid, my channeled information, and sensibilities from my family tradition. In my family tradition, I was raised to be a creator of new material. I call my approach Fey Druidry.
I don’t expect to offer this course again for at least another three years. And I turn 70 this year so, if you’re planning on studying with me, now’s the time. Yay!