My upcoming book shares my journey as a witch, so I’m including a handful of photos of me at different ages. Here are pics from today. I thought photos of me when I’m close to finishing the book would make nice memories for me.
Would you like any of them in the book? Which (Witch?) ones? Would love your input.
I’m not asking your opinion about other people’s possible reactions. I actually want to know which you’d personally enjoy in the book.
At age 66, it’s interesting looking at photos of myself that I’ll release publicly. My young, dewy beauty long gone, all that is left in the photographs is who I am inside, for all to see. And for me to face and embrace.
Examining these pics, I am content. I see in myself an elder shaman, a wild wanderer traveling between atoms, and a loving, mystic fool who still enjoys life. Whew!
Each pic has a number above it, so you can tell me by number which you like.
I think they’ll be crisper and clearer in the book.
Thanks so much for your support!