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Hiding, Healing, Power. Part Three
Written and painted in March and/or early April, 2012.
Part one:
Part two:
Part Three
When she grew up, something else wonderful happened. That little girl grew up to be Goddess Diana—Great Mother, Light-Bearer.

Diana, Great Mother Goddess. Available as a limited first edition print. For more info, click on the picture.
A child became a deity, yes. Yes, she did. Let yourself hide.
Hiding is not always about shame or fear. It might be a time of preparation or privacy, a time of beauty or empowerment, a time of nurturance or growth.
Hiding can be motivated by discretion.
A hiding child became a deity, a bearer of light, a light held high. The woman no longer hiding.
That little girl was always god. But she needed discretion to find it.
Diana lived with her cat who was secretly a Faerie. (See Aradia, Gospel of the Witches, for lore about Diana and her Fey Cat.)
The woman, the Goddess, hung a welcome sign on her front door. People came to see her. (Mind you, she still hid a lot of the time, and we will get to that in a moment.) She healed people with her light. Or tickled them with it. She used her light to guide others to their own shiny brilliance and to that of the Gods.
Here is the welcome sign she hung up.
Diana is Goddess of Witches. This warm, protective deity has given me tremendous solace and healing many times over the years.
Often, her visitors hid with her. That was fun.
And sometimes—often, in fact—she still hid all by herself. Well, her cat was with her. As were other gods. They are always nearby.
Tucked in her home, she traveled to wonderful places.
Her visitors went on great adventures with her, traveling between the stars.

Where You and Diana Go if You Visit Her. Available as a limited first edition print. For more info, click on the picture.
When someone is hiding, I look twice to find the god. The end.

Storyteller (the author, self-portrait). Available as a limited first edition print. For more info, click on the picture
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