“Thunderstorm” Energy, Overt Power, Gentle Magic, and Subtle Magic

Huge positive changes can happen stat when you combine overtly huge powers, “thunderstorm” energy, gentle rites, and subtle magic.

As a young witch, I studied with a guy who’d acquired extremely powerful rituals, which he taught indiscriminately, to whoever attended his classes.

By and large, the energy of the rituals slammed into and through his students, frying their circuits, and opening pathways to demons.

A few of the rites were okay per se, but they didn’t suit the energetic structure of all his students. Such rites were an energetic torrent the unsuited body/psyche could not withstand. For them, it was like being shelterless and hit by a thunderstorm.

The collection of rituals as a whole was also disastrous. Along with the aforementioned problems, the body of rites, as well as the cosmology on which they were based, bit by bit instilled a subtle grandiosity and an, equally subtle, lack of moral accountability in the individuals who did this training. They started hurting people around them, badly.

The grandiosity was partially caused by students acquiring a specific ego structure that can be a temporary means to get through a certain part of a shamanic training. In the case of the aforementioned teacher’s students, that ego structure became a permanent fixture, turning into grandiosity—e.g., self-importance, overestimation of one’s psychic perceptions, and sense of entitlement. This further fueled the students harming people, often completely unaware they were doing so.

Furthermore, that specific ego structure that I mentioned as helpful is suitable only to certain individuals, temporarily. Even the brief period those individuals experience this ego-state is risky.

Most of the errant teacher’s students didn’t realize their immense problems stemmed from the lessons. The power coursing through them was exhilarating, seemingly proving they had found something that really worked. Plus, they saw immediate positive results in their lives. But these improvements were short term and part of a process more destructive than beneficial. The “buzz” felt during the rites became a drug, keeping improvements in their lives and in their psyches at bay, instead of creating forward momentum.

While studying with the teacher and in the years after, I witnessed his students fall prey to drug addiction, suicide, and more.

Here’s another reason most of the students didn’t spot what was happening: society as a whole portrays brute force as the most effective—and actually only real—means to an end. E.g., many individuals consider the acquisition of wealth and resources through both warfare and ruthless business practices to be norms humans must resort to, if they want success in life. This portrayal becomes internalized by some magic seekers, making them believe being buffeted by life and by their magic is the basic state needed to move ahead.

Not realizing the source of their new problems, the students figured they were at fault, and just needed to work harder at the lessons. After all, the teacher boasted about his lessons’ power—his demeanor, tone of voice, and words exuding, “Ooh, look how dark and mysterious and dangerous we all are. We are real witches, not like those pretend witches.”

Later on, I became the go-to person, when one of that teacher’s students fell apart. For example, I was at a Pagan festival, and someone came into my tent and said, “Francesca, so-and-so did a blah-blah-blah ritual with their teacher last week, and now is completely falling apart. She’s a mess, can barely speak. Can you help?” I took care of her. I even had to do an exorcism on one of his students.

I was raised in a shamanic family tradition. I was already teaching witchcraft and working professionally as a psychic, when I went to study with this deluded teacher. So I had a different perspective from his other students, as well as the ability to psychically see the damage caused.

Surprisingly, the harm he caused was a good lesson for me. Though I could manage the energy he was teaching, I came to see that managing it and wanting it as a lifestyle were two different things. I knew the energy wouldn’t be healthy for me long term (aside from a few bits here and there).

Seeing how this energy adversely affected those around me also affirmed that witchcraft is not one-size-fits-all. I committed all the more to my approach as a shaman:

You see, I neither heard nor read anyone mentioning that energy could fry a person’s circuits, or that some seemingly benign energies can open pathways to demons. I neither heard nor read anyone mentioning a rite needing to suit the energetic structure of the person doing the rite. I neither heard nor read anyone mentioning rites, and the cosmology on which they were based, subtlety instilling grandiosity and lack of morals. I neither heard nor read anyone mentioning a specific ego structure as a means to get through a certain part of shamanic training. And so on. I developed all these theories myself and, with no one else mentioning them, it would’ve been easy to have mistrusted myself. But the problems caused by that errant teacher’s lessons proved my theories to be sound. And, as I said, I committed all the more to my approach as a shaman:

Many lessons I teach, and spells I do for my community members, are gentle yet effective. Their immense power is often subtle. My students/clients report miraculous improvement in their lives. The changes are long term. When appropriate, I teach and perform rites that run overtly powerful energy, or energy I liken to thunder; the two types of energy are sometimes one and the same, but not always. (The thunderlike energies taught by the aforementioned teacher were, by and large, not healthy for anyone. But there are wondrously beneficent thunderlike energies.)

I am gentle with myself energetically. Yes, dynamic power like thunder is great. Yes, power is everybody’s birthright. But there are many forms of “thundering” power and not all suit everyone. And some are tied to demons. (I don’t risk hanging out with anyone who thinks they can safely play with demons.) I run only the thundering powers that suit me. I teach only the ones that suit the specific individuals attending my classes. When needed, I meet with those students one-on-one, to teach them additional powerful rituals tailored to their particular energetic makeup.

Gentle is a big power and just as dynamic as “thunderstorm” magic. Gentle powers are among the strongest. Subtle powers are also among the strongest.

So, though I can run more overtly huge powers, ditto “thunderstorm” magic, and both are a large part of my practice, I need to use gentle and subtle powers just as often.

The proof is in the pudding: my students’ success in their professional and personal lives demonstrates what happens when gentle and subtle magics combine with more overtly powerful and “thunderstorm” ones.

Sometimes I feel like the spells I am doing to improve a given area of my life are getting nowhere. Then I try to remember that, often, change takes time and happens in incremental steps. When I do this, big change can arrive all the faster, perhaps quite soon. This is a smarter course than spells that slam energy at me.

Small progress adds up to big progress.

Big changes can be happening, even when I don’t see them.

A therapist once told me you might not notice a big change in yourself till a year after it has happened. Wow!

Big external changes can be well underway, but I won’t notice.

And, as my students and I can attest, huge positive changes can happen immediately when you combine overtly huge powers, “thunderstorm” energy, gentle rites, and subtle magic.

So mote it be! Goddess, thank you.
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Snow Faerie Snowflakes

Updated 2021.

This post was written in the mythopoetic realm that I’m always building, that I might continue to inhabit it happily. It’s a lighthearted post overall, in hopes it helps keep our spirits bright during wintry days. Included are some more serious thoughts—which I believe also can keep life bright. Let me know what you think.

Isn’t it amazing how someone can spot a wonderful part of you that you’ve overlooked? William Dreamdancer, an online friend who is an astute fellow, noticed that I’m a snow faerie.

Here I am, one of Santa’s Yule elves, but I never noticed I was a snow faerie. How could I have missed that? . . . I mean, you don’t have to be a snow faerie to be a Yule elf. Santa gives different jobs to different elves. But still …

Informed of William’s insight, Santa made me one of his official Snow Fairies this year. That is the job title for elves who tend the snow. (If you wonder why I’ve spelled it Faeries earlier in the post, and now I’m spelling it Fairies, check out this post:

My job as a Snow Fairy is creating snowflakes. I’ve gotten to make a lot of them. Making them makes me very happy.

Some Snow Fairies fashion snowflakes, and other Snow Fairies tend the snow in different ways, e.g., ensuring snowflakes don’t melt before they have a chance to fall from the sky. (I love making up the facts of my mythopoetic realm. And once I make them up, they’re true.)

On the mundane plane: I did a series of paintings that involved my drawing approximately one-hundred unique snowflakes. This post has three of those paintings.

A single snowfall uses up a lot of snowflakes. However, as I said, I’m not the only one of Santa’s elves who creates snowflakes.

In fact, every time you create paper cuttings of snowflakes to adorn a Yule tree, tape to a window, or otherwise decorate your home, you’re automatically one of the Yule elves helping make snow. Ditto your children when they start cutting the paper.

During a snowfall, I love watching Wind Fairies blow my snowflakes hither and thither.

Wind Fairies also make snowflakes drift lazily down. When they fall on you, look carefully and remember that Snow Fairies make each snowflake unique, especially for you.

Drawing snowflakes is a meditation that centers me into sanity and sacredness, which keeps me from going down the rabbit hole of dysfunction aka America’s holiday craziness. One of many perks of working for Santa is getting to do jobs that maintain joy, not only mine but that of others.

Popular culture, which as a whole considers magic nonsense, embraces it this time of year.

For one thing, during winter, many people who would humbug magic the rest of the year become open to miracle transforming their lives.

Also, the population as a whole becomes more open to extravagant decor. They forsake bourgeois restraint and the bland decor that results, replacing it with sparkling lights, bright red clothing, and gaudy displays. Typical holiday decor, with its exuberant fun, fills the air with magic. (Christmas decor is Pagan at heart and often has Pagan roots historically.)

Plus every year, folks everywhere are excited about a jolly elf who flies through the air, mysteriously managing to give gifts all over the world in a single night. If he isn’t wondrous and magical, nothing is, and I love seeing people suspend their disbelief (even if it’s only long enough to watch a Santa Claus movie).

Popular culture’s indulgence in magic this time of year is such happy, satisfying fun for me.

Want rituals that foster happiness and sheer joy in you?

Please join me in my free upcoming winter rituals.

There will be two rites. Attend one or both. One ceremony will meet in person in the San Francisco Bay Area. The other will meet worldwide via teleseminar aka group phone call.

We’ll drink in the season’s wonders, enchantments, and joys that they may lift our spirits and transform our lives. This will include an imaginary visit with Santa, to foster our happiness, joyfulness, and transformation even further.

Full details will be in my newsletter. Click the banner below to subscribe.

Click here to subscribe to my newsletter, for Fairy freebies, enchanted upcoming events, and stardust

Wisdom Adventures

Wisdom Adventures

Updated 2021-5-2

What Is a Wisdom Adventure?

It is a shamanic quest tailored to you. Ritual tools and ancient wisdoms are individualized, shaped according to your blocks, strengths, spirit, current circumstances, and past experiences, to move you toward your truest material and spiritual goals.

During six, private, shamanic sessions, I channel a personalized shamanic journey for you, as well as the shamanic tools and wisdoms you need for that journey. I also work on developing your program between our meetings.

We meet by phone or, if you prefer, Zoom.

Since the ’80s, shamans, artists, healers, political leaders, and others who want to live fully have gone on Wisdom Adventures with me. Also called “Wisdom Coaching,” these six private visits help you create your own destiny and fulfill it.

I offer single shamanic counseling sessions, but sometimes a person wants ongoing attention. Perhaps you’re working toward big breakthroughs in your life and need help removing inner blocks to success, layer by layer. Or maybe you need the courage to follow your star and want the strength that builds over several meetings. Or confusion and doubt require ongoing exploration to find a way to personal power.

Wholeness, prosperity, spiritual fulfillment, greatness, better sex, artistic achievements? Something else? Whatever you want, let’s go! Don’t know what you want? I’ll help you figure it out. Whatever you need materially and spiritually can be on the table. Wisdom Coaching is tailored to you.

What Do We Do during Wisdom Adventure meetings?

First, we decide: should your journey last six weeks, three months. or six months (shall we meet every week, every two weeks, or once a month, respectively)? Then we discuss your primary goal(s)—or help you discover it. Building block by building block, I offer tools, inspiration, and power when you’re following a dream, facing a challenge, embracing a rare opportunity, or doing all three. Each session builds on the ones before it, making the sum greater than its parts. On the road of life, I’m by your side, a guide and cheerleader every step of the way.

Even in our initial session, we travel deeply journey into the shamanic world of transformation. If you’ve ever worked with me, you know I can facilitate a process whereby you quickly reach great depths and stunning changes.

What do I actually do for you during our our meetings? Whatever is needed! You are unique, with unique needs. I have an extensive otherworldly toolkit from my years of training and experience, providing me with many options to draw on so you get what you need to transform your life.

Guided by Deity and the moment, we go where the sacred road leads. Each moment of a visit, I intuit what is needed and how to address that need. You might receive answers to mundane questions, then the next minute be led into a mystical experience that increases your trust of your own wisdom. A few minutes later, we could do a ritual in which you find spiritual healing or a dynamite marketing plan for your new business. I helped a gymnast choose the best set of moves for his Olympic performance.

I often combine the practical and the mystical.

In every session, you also receive direct spiritual transmissions. Spiritual transmissions are an ancient Faery Faith method that increases the serenity, power, and safety of your shamanic journey, fosters personal growth, deepens the experiential nature of the journey’s lessons, and adds good luck to your life overall.

You’re the Star of Your Wisdom Adventure

You choose the course a session takes, as little or as much as you want. If a method or topic I feel divinely directed toward doesn’t feel right to you, you’re the star. This is your adventure. You and I are both conduits for the divine. If you want to take a tack other than one I suggest in a session, I am your servant.

Extensive, Lasting Change

I don’t put rhetorical Band-Aids on deep soul-wounds. Participants of Wisdom Adventures report lasting change. Seemingly immoveable obstacles to happiness leave. For example, maybe you can’t find your life’s purpose. Or you can’t find a way to escape ruinous circumstances. Or past problems still haunt you. Client after client has called my work miraculous in changing their circumstances. Trauma survivors and members of the recovery community have found crucial growth. Happy, successful folks report an increase in self-fulfillment and passion.

Did one of my counseling sessions, books, blogs, or classes provide strength, spiritual succor, answers to important questions, or freedom from inner bondage? We’ve been a great match. Now get everything you want. Love yourself up with one-on-one, ongoing coaching that a book or class can’t provide. We’ll discover all the unique gold within you and polish away what keeps you from shining.

How to Go On Your Personalized Shamanic Adventure:

1. Use my online booking calendar to make and pay for your first appointment. Important: when using the calendar, type “Wisdom Adventure” in the Comments/Questions field. Each appointment lasts an hour and costs $200. To go to the calendar, click here: http://stardrenched.com/archetypal-power-appointment/

2. If our appointment is, let’s say, Friday, April 3 at 2 pm est, then you phone me Friday, April 3, at 2 pm est.

3. At the end of each meeting, we schedule the next.

4. After our first meeting, I set up an automatically recurring payment for you, to make payment for the rest of the sessions easy. They’re paced with your appointments: every week, every two weeks, or every month.

5. If our first session is not all you hoped, no further obligation. You only pay for the one meeting.

If you have questions about whether a Wisdom Adventure is right for you, phone me. I’m happy to talk with you for as long as it takes to address your concerns. My number is below.

Who is Francesca De Grandis?

De Grandis is the best-selling author of “Be a Goddess!” She’s a full-time community shaman, as a teacher, guide, healer, and artist. Her work couples Goddess mysticism with practical magic and a down-to-earth philosophy.

Raised in a traditional Strega family tradition that has Celtic shamanism in its heritage—the family is originally from France—she practices an ancient European witchcraft that is a form of Faerie shamanism.

She founded The Third Road—an internationally practiced shamanic tradition–and guides individuals of all faiths and those perfectly happy without one.

A spiritual counselor since 1982. Francesca has been featured in The New York Times, USA Today, and Cosmopolitan, as well as on National Public Radio and national television.

Her nickname is Outlaw Bunny.


Matt O’Brien: “I’d been working on a problem for years, and Francesca unlocked and released it in just five minutes. It was exactly what I needed. Wow!”

Kathy Crabbe, Soul Reader, Artist, Astrologer: “Francesca is a beacon for me in every kind of weather. I love and adore her with all my heart and I recommend her classes, books, readings and other offerings 100%.”

Adrienne Amundsen, Ph.D., and clinical psychologist says Francesca, “has the trustworthy ethics of a Buddhist priest, psychologically sound respect for the complexity of human process, and a wicked sense of humor that keeps serious material in healthy perspective.”

Lynn Andrews, author of “Medicine Woman,” writes, “Francesca De Grandis has given us an inspirational bridge between ancient wisdom and our current life.”

If you’re ready to move forward in your life, or you want help getting ready to move forward, start your Wisdom Adventure here: http://stardrenched.com/archetypal-power-appointment/