Solstice Snow-Kitty

The kitten almost knocked over huge houseplants trying to get a good view out the window. I figure that was pretty clear guidance from the Universe to take a break from shipping books and go outside with my kitten into the snow.

Our venture probably lasted only ten minutes, and was just us hanging out. But I felt joy and wonder.

Cosmic Cat Nap, Francesca De Grandis

I feel blessed today that I find immense joy in small things, despite daily challenges that would’ve killed many people in both spirit and body. I also feel the hope that my classes impart the same sense of miracle in the wee gifts amidst enormous difficulties. That is not necessarily spelled out in my curriculum descriptions, but it is innate in an authentic spiritual teaching and methodology: life brings challenges, and with them great sorrow; life also brings us great joy if we open to it despite our struggles.

There are, of course, times when trauma or other challenges will overwhelm. Then my job during class or a counseling session is not to be a Pollyanna who callously insists, “If you were really spiritual, you would be cheerful anyway!” The recent deaths of Connecticut children has us deeply grieving. At such times, I share coping and grieving tools, ways to heal, and methods to overcome problems.

We cannot always have the joy the World Tree offers us, and must face inevitable pain. My hope, in my heart today, is that I help my students and clients do that and also help them find as much joy as possible, when it is possible. I am an ecstatic, in love with the world tree, and I believe, deep in the cells of my heart, that the world tree is in love with each of us, so It wants to celebrate existence with us.

On solstice day, I smile thinking about my little faerie kitten looking up at the snow, studying it thoughtfully, and I wish you happy solstice.

I experience profound love from—and connectivity with—the Divine. Do you want spiritual reading that reflects accessible Divine love? How about that honors your idea of Divinity (e.g., God, Goddess, God within, World Tree, Universe)? Read Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast. Available here:

Santa and My New Familiar (Cute Kitty Pics)

As some of you know, Santa is in my pantheon. Being a good pagan god, he is not distant and inaccessible. He visits me all year. In November, he came over and got to know my new familiar.

They had a great time! Look at the pic below, kitty is clearly telling us, “Santa loves me!”

She also said, “And I love Santa!” She wasn’t fibbing, you can see it in her eyes.

Then she told me, “Santa Claus is not a stuck up God. Santa lets me climb him!” The pic below proves it!

(Yup, Santa doesn’t always wear his red suit, sometimes he likes to hang out in a sweatshirt.)

have a great season!
I experience profound love from—and connectivity with—the Divine. Do you want spiritual reading that reflects accessible Divine love? How about that honors your idea of Divinity (e.g., God, Goddess, God within, World Tree, Universe)? Read Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast. Available here:

There Are Ghosts in All Our Heads

The word “red” means red.
“Apple” means apple.
If someone thinks I said,
“I’m eating an orange,”
they’re listening to a ghost,
not to me.

They will tell you I
said things that I didn’t.

We all have ghosts
that smother our ears.

Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast. Powerful reading that is short enough to fit into your day. Available only from the author:

Yule Song, Francesca De Grandis

Google bought YouTube so, after my vid, others start that have nothing to do with me. Argh, I could not find a way to embed from my YouTube channel without this happening, so if you know one, pls tell me. Til then, if you want to see my vid more than once, just refresh the page. And with that:

Day after solstice, 2011, I needed a new song to sing to God and self, something I could sing right then, so had to write it. This is what I wrote.I really look forward to having time to get into my recording studio, because I want to practice singing it instead of just doing it right after I wrote it (this vid was made last year), plus build harmonies and instrumentation and, oh, I am jazzed. But for the time being, I recorded with the app that was built into my iPhone, bc i wanted to share my new song, though it is in humble form. So forgive audio quality, but it’s that or nothing. The skull was a new Yule present (which I adore) to give you something to look at other than me desperately trying to read the lyrics and melody while holding the camera, LOL. Lemme know what you think of the song. (I love writing complex melodies but wrote a simple tune, bc I needed something to sing right then and there. Had the simplicity not worked, I would have stopped the project, knowing it was not meant to be. I am not saying I give up on difficult writing; I will take forever to get a song; but I wanted a song to use right away, and if I could not write something worth singing, I would have stopped the writing.) I hope you enjoy.

Have a great season, Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast. Powerful reading that is short enough to fit into your day. Available only from the author:

Yule Ritual

Fellow Yule elves, witches, wanderers, mythic beings, and other star-dusted travelers,

Please join me for a Winter Solstice ritual on Thurs., Dec 20, from 3 to 4:00 PM EST.

The event is a group phone call. Free and open to all. (Your usual long-distance charges apply, and appear on your phone bill). No experience needed.

To participate, call 1-712-775-7000. When prompted, enter 1095248#. Dial a few minutes before 3:00; it can take a bit to connect, and latecomers are not allowed.

I hope you come!!!!! We’ll welcome the birth of the sun. Expect heartfelt spirituality, silliness, and camaraderie as we walk between the stars!

Start the New Year with Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast: A Daily Reader for Busy Parents and Their Children . . . and for Any Way-Busy Person. Available only from the author:

Amulets, in Gratitude

With enormous gratitude, I hand-made amulets for financial supporters who gave $100 or more toward my book. Each talisman is one of a kind, and channeled for the person who’ll receive it. I love these kind folks—and making simple, elegant, powerful charms—so much! This post is so they can read about their specific talisman. Keep reading to see why it is also posted in love of my whole sweet community.

Click on a pic to see it full-size and without the blurring that happens when WordPress shrinks a pic to fit into a blog.

Though each talisman is unique, there’s also a visual theme throughout the charms, to represent that all of us made this book happen. Community is all! The blessing I put on each is different too, but there’s a magical theme throughout. (I liked it so much I had to channel one for moi.)

Creating visual and magical themes also represents everyone who helped, financially or otherwise—and my community members not in a position to contribute. Community is all!

To use: Simply wear your amulet around your neck, hang it in your home, or put it on an altar. Looks great worn on a 16-18″ cord. The delicate lack of weight may not hang well on a long cord.

I know God talks to me when I channel art, but God talks to everyone. So when we combine our perspectives, we fully hear God. So if you think the amulet I made you isn’t right for you visually or magically, and/or you think one of the others is “yours,” do please tell me. I upcycle, so can’t vouch for all materials, but will make informed guesses. Numbered 1 to 5, left to right:
1) This is for a secret German donor who studies with me. The small, red, faceted bead hanging from the top loop is probably Swarovski Crystal. I can’t say what the bear bead on the main stem is. I would’ve guessed glass except that it came with a bunch of stone totem beads. It is a gorgeous material, perhaps moonstone, which I’m not sure the photograph picks up. Below it seems to be a black pearl. The gorgeous smokey beads on the bottom dangle are from a necklace that I plundered, and probably crystal.

2) For Julie N. The little dangle that I made to hang from the top loop is probably rose quartz (for self-love) and Swarovski crystal. The pink tube on the main stem is vintage glass (see, sometimes I know what my materials are, LOL), followed by another probable Swarovski crystal, then a dangle with another probable Swarovski. At the bottom of that dangle I wrapped the wire into a spiral.

3) This one is for me. I thought it was for one of my contributors, but realized it was mine, an expression of us all making this project possible. (For my own records: The blue bead on the main stem is vintage glass, both dangles probably have Swarovski.)

4) For Donnalee Dermady-Minney of Laughing Dakini Music LLC, this talisman has an evil eye dangling from the bottom with two probable Swarovski crystals. The eye bead is a traditional protection amulet. The main stem has a vintage glass tube, and the two faceted beads seem to be fire polished glass. The top dangle is probably Swarovski and rose quartz.

5) This is for an anonymous German donor new in my life. On the main stem, we probably have Swarovski and rainbow obsidian. The latter has a subtle luminescence in it that the photograph will not show. The three beads on the bottom dangle are probably more Swarovski. The top dangle is a mother of pearl teardrop, and probably Swarovski.

6) Finally, for Chicot. The two beads that I used to make the top dangle are probably tiger’s eye, which I read somewhere is both grounding and solar. On the main stem, the top bead with golden flecks (which I’m not sure show on this photo) might be goldstone, a man-made “stone” that I am fond of. Then comes a bead with an exclamation point on it, ending with a gorgeous, green probably Swarovski crystal. The bottom dangle is probably rose quartz, a stone for self-love.

Let me know if your amulet is right for you. Post here, email me, or comment on my Facebook page

If you bought a copy of my book, that is pivotal support! Thank you so much!!!! If you’d like to buy a copy, yes, go here! Only available from the author. Thank you to my sweet sweet community!

America Allows Holiday Magic

I adore the holiday season, because it is the one time of year that America, as a whole, lets itself believe in magic & miracle, & allows itself wildly jubilant decor that is in “bad” taste.

Beloved Fellow Seeker, Thank you for your spiritual journey, because I can’t grow spiritually alone.

I wrote a book, out of gratitude for you and love for you: “Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast: A Daily Reader for Busy Parents and Their Children . . . and for Any Way-Busy Person.”

Spiritual reading that fits into your day and supports travelers of any spiritual path.

Only available from the author. Buy it here: Thank you again!

Happy in the Dark Time

Happy in the Dark Time:
A four-week group nurturing a spiritually healthy dark of the year  

Eagle with Iris in Great Darkness, OutlawBunny. If you’re interested in a print of this picture, click on it

This is a four-week guided process about enjoying the dark time of year, using it to heal inner blocks, and drawing on its other subtle Faerie gifts. The process will be individualized to its participants. This will include tools channeled to meet whatever challenges the dark time brings the group’s specific individuals.

I look forward to this, because many people feel betwixt and between in January, instead of grounded in the core of their being and Gaia’s rhythms. Moving past that betwixt and between will allow us to go extraordinarily deeply into that core, creating a more centered, self-fulfilled, and successful year ahead.

We meet in a group phone call. No computer or special equipment needed. Just dial your phone.

The process is without prerequisites and suitable for both newbies and adepts.

The group meets four consecutive FRIDAYS starting JANUARY 18. The meetings go from 6 to 7 PM (EST). RESERVE FRIDAY, FEB 15, same time, for a makeup meeting in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned sessions.

Fee is $150. You might pay long-distance charges, depending on your long-distance plan. If so, they appear on your phone bill. The event’s area code is a US #. No refunds. If u need more info, can’t use PayPal, or want to discuss scholarship or trade, call me: 814-337-2490. Don’t email; disabilities = I can’t discuss events by email.

Upon receipt of payment, your place is reserved, and event details emailed to you. No refunds.

I look forward to an exciting and, paradoxically, relaxing January and February. It will renew me.

Inherent Magic & Fundie Paganism

Magic is a flow within the fabric of reality. Magic is also a state of being inherent in all living things. Magic is also living in myth, actually living it. And magic is love. Fundamentalist religion, including fundamentalist Wicca, squelches one’s magical being, squelches one’s love, and separates one from the larger flow of loving magic. If you judge others’ magic, your own may weaken.

Beloved Fellow Seeker, Thank you for your spiritual journey, because I can’t grow spiritually alone.

I wrote a book, out of gratitude for you and love for you: “Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast: A Daily Reader for Busy Parents and Their Children . . . and for Any Way-Busy Person.”

Spiritual reading that fits into your day and supports travelers of any spiritual path.

Only available from the author. Buy it here: Thank you again!

Blessing This Site #3

The Generous Sun – Francesca De Grandis, 2012. In gratitude, I painted this fantasy portrait of Kathleen. We’ve been doing projects together since the 80s, and it is always a joy.

This post is to express gratitude for the banners on this site. First: gratitude to the amazing artist, Kathleen Marshall, who made all but two of the banners that go across the top of this site’s pages. She made 13, one to top each page. Her work is a blessing, do wander the site to see it! If you see a top banner, it is by her, except for two I did: One on the “My Other Site” page, and one to use when we need an additional banner here on out; to see the latter click here. I also have reason to be grateful for those two I made, and the ones I made for the sidebar, read on.

I want to share gratitude because I’ve felt in sync with wild Fey gods re the banners, and everything else to do with revitalizing this site. It seems like my Gods are blessing the site. Publically sharing a few banner moments I am grateful for feels like a way to keep the good juju going, so let me continue:

The painting I did for Kathleen to use for the banners constituted real improvement for me, and any improvement I make as an artist, spiritual being, or anything else is Goddess-given. I painted the piece as a magical touchstone for the site, wanting to create a landscape within the Fey realms. Was very surprised it actually looks the way parts of Faerie appear to me. I was mega-shocked I’d actually pulled it off—but, then, LOL, I’m such a novice-painter that I’m easily impressed with anything I do. “Ooh, I drew something that kind of looks like a face, wow, i can kinda draw a face.”

Another blessing was my equal surprise about the calligraphy I sent Kathleen for the banners (I did all the calligraphy). Aside from one or two lessons from mom, I’m self-taught. I’ve been calligraphing on and off since I was 14 and, with these banners, was finally happy with calligraphy I’ve done. I honestly didn’t like my calligraphy until now. (I am in my sixties. It just goes to show, persistence pays.)

Another blessing was getting to try digital art during the banner making process. Oh Goddess mine, I adore doing digital art, thank you for sending it my way. So all side banners (they are at the bottom for some browsers, and may not be on all pages yet) are my doing. The fantasy portrait of Kathleen is also done digitally. The digital art started me doing fantasy portraits, which I have luuuved painting!

Thank you for sharing a bit of my gratitude. That in itself is a profound blessing. Below, please add a verbal blessing if you want. Or make another sort of comment – hey, it will be a blessing in its own way. Love and peace, out.