Join the Fairy Magic Circus
Ecstatic Spirituality, Sacred Play, Joyful Wonder
Magic to Reach Every Goal
Joy, fun, wonder, and even silliness are powerful magics that help create prosperity, community, justice, self-expression, career success, soul-healing, freedom, and your other life goals. This course will show you how.
We’ll travel into the Fey realm to go to the Fairy Magic Circus. We will learn the magical powers of sacred joy from the masters of happiness: The clown, aerialist, strength performer, contortionist, juggler, wild animal handler, and ring master/mistress will teach you magic spells.
These archetypes will help you cast happy spells for everything you want.

Fun Is Holy
Fun is holy. I cannot doubt it when I watch a child play. They seek fun the way a mystic seeks the Divine: with ferocity and reverence. The result is the child and mystic experiencing fulfillment, peace, power, and joy.
My Gods, being Pagan, bless fun activities.
Joy Is Holy
I need joy. Joy heals. Joy reminds me of my power and connects me to it. Joy unites me with tribe so that we can stand strong together, empowered to defeat adversity. Joy cuts through my illusions and discouragement to settle me into love for and from others. Joy brings forth my inner goodness: for example, respect for—and right action concerning—other people.
We will work with all these aspects of joy. We will also work with joy as a pure magic unto itself: The course will show how joy can create miracles.
A sense of wonder—or call it awe—nourishes my spirit. When I am starving for hope and motivation, awe is my food—a feast! Then I know that the Universe has happy plans for me.
I love circus artists because they focus on creating wonder, whether as circus barkers or trapeze artists. For me, that demonstrates they are masters of ecstatic spirituality.
Their shows embody sheer joy, both the experience of it and the giving of it. In their way, they teach ecstatic spirituality.
Let’s run away and join the Fairy Magic Circus to learn unapologetic joy, empowering wonder, and powerful happy witchcraft from the happiness experts.
You will learn to use wonder as a magic that creates miracles.
In the Fairy Magic Circus, we will also experience sacred silliness that lifts us so we transcend our dilemmas, and then roots us into our common sense so that we know how to solve those problems.
And the circus performer archetypes will teach how to find joy, wonder, and happiness even during hard times. For example, joy is a sacred sensibility that can permeate all activities.

How To Attend
Call the event phone number to attend. The group meets by teleconference. No special technology is needed. You receive the number after enrolling.
from February 16, 2025 through June 15.
from February 20, 2025 through June 19.
Reserve the class hour on Sunday June 22 or Thursday June 26, respectively, for a makeup session in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned meetings.
Cost is $200 per month for four months. Your carrier might charge you for the calls.
Enroll by February 12, midnight.
To enroll securely through PayPal, provide your phone number in the field below, then click the Subscribe button.
When I receive your enrollment, I will email you to ask which of the two class schedules you chose.
If you don’t receive that email within a few days, check your spam filter and spam mailbox. If the email isn’t there, or you want to discuss a scholarship, semi-scholarship, trade, or payment plan other than the subscription, or you need additional information about the event, please call me at the number below. A few days before our first meeting, you receive an email with the event phone number and other details. Refunds unavailable.
Join the Fairy Magic Circus can be used as one of the two qualifying electives needed to participate in the advanced Fairy Witch Training.
Simplicity is among the most advanced magics. It gives me stunning spiritual and material victories. This class’s simple happy witchcraft is helping me reach all my goals more than ever.
Sometimes I develop curriculums that get shelved, no matter how much I’ve worked on them. Perhaps a few pieces of the curriculum remain elusive, so it isn’t ready to teach yet. Or I am too far ahead of the curve. Or another course I am creating feels more timely. I’ve wanted to teach Join the Fairy Magic Circus for years, it is such powerful versatile magic, and finally:
It is time. Let’s go! Get your ticket to the Fairy Magic Circus!