Two Prayers for the Sacred Marketplace

This is a follow up to last week’s blog.


I wrote this prayer to help me be the best possible merchant of sacred goods and services. I never say it unless I follow it with “Merchant Prayer to Oxala,” which is below. Context for both prayers are in last week’s blog. But first, the prayer above, in case you cannot see it in its graphic:

Hermes, Mercury, Exu, open the road and gate to my profession today, that I may serve. Open the road and gate within my heart today, that I may serve. Open the road and gate, today, for the person whose needs and goals are well met by my particular shamanic skill set. Guide my day in the divine marketplace, today. Help me be a sacred merchant, today. Help me try and try and try, today, for to be a professional shaman who is well-serving community means to ever be resurrected, both in my private life and daily in my commitment to the market place.

I, personally, almost never pray to Exu without prayer to Oxala. So I wrote an Oxala prayer to say after my Exu merchant prayer. You might recognize phrases and concepts from my past writing, because I’m committed to refining, building on, and expanding on my spirituality. The version of the prayer in the graphic is a briefer version than the text below it:

Merchant Prayer to Oxala

Oxala, please,
help me surrender to you.
Help me surrender to you.
Help me surrender to you.

Oxala, please,
help me know in my cells, each moment, that surrender to you is power and peace.
Help me know in my cells, each moment, that surrender to you is power and peace.
Help me know in my cells, each moment, that surrender to you is power and peace.

Please, clear the roads of obstructions.
Clear the roads of enemies.
Clear the roads.

Please, smooth the roads,
making my passage easy to travel.

Please, help me know in my cells, each moment, that surrendering to you allows me your smooth easy roads along which I can travel in power, peace, and success.

Oxala, you made all creation. Please help me know in my cells, each moment, that, surrendering to you, your power of creation is mine.

Grant me the wisdom that, no matter what I ask you for, I accept the moment I am in—the moment you actually send me—and know it, in my cells, as ideal.

Grant me peace.

Here’s a description of my shamanic counseling sessions, and you can schedule online:

Professional Shaman. World Tree Resurrection

Eagle with Iris in Great Darkness, OutlawBunny.

Eagle with Iris in Great Darkness, OutlawBunny.

This post is roughly-written, but felt important to post stat, for my personal growth. Spent the morning pouring my heart out in this, I hope you read it.

My commitment to being a professional shaman must be made daily.

Today is Feb 5. The World Tree resurrects today. It is a day to plant.

Ancient MetsoaAmerican merchants traded in sacred good, items of great mystic worth.

From an anthropological view, if you don’t charge for it, it ain’t shamanism. (I support all definitions of shamanism. I mention the anthropological one contextually.)

I tell myself, “Come into the market place, again, today. Do not be stopped by those with dubious claims to power, who brag about alliance with death.”

Francesca De Grandis, May 2012

Francesca De Grandis, May 2012

I tell myself, “Yes, they hurt my feelings and make it hard for people to understand my work enough to know it might really help them. Yes, this immense pain makes my tears appropriate. Cry, do cry. But remember that anyone wrongly claiming they belong to a fierce god of war or death or the underworld is a deluded pawn of the evil bastardization of such a god. They don’t just cause harm, they too suffer. (I’m not referring to an innocently mistaken choice of a patron deity, but an arrogant choice.)

I tell myself, “They’re children playing at grown up, teenagers claiming selves in loud clothes. Like foolish adolescents, they careen in magic cars, injuring or killing themselves and others. But there is nothing I can do, until they know they need help. Move on. Some day, they’ll know better. Then they’ll be attacked and have to learn to cleave to honest paths despite. Ultimately, we are all in this together.”

I leave behind my fantasy of telling them, “Ancient MesoaAmerican football was sacred, the losing team was beheaded, you are not up to that game.” They would not understand. Which makes me utterly frustrated. I leave behind my frustration.

I admit and honor my powerlessness. I focus on me, tell myself, “Honor your healing magic by selling it. Honor your ability as a shamanic guide by selling it. Make beauty with your magic and sell it. Become part of the market.”

Today, I remind myself today, “Every Mayan king was a shaman. Yes, admit in your gut that you’re attacked by those trapped in the modern american division of sacred and profane, market and magic. Admit in your gut how badly they treat you and how hard they make it for you. Then take time for self-compassion. Then stop thinking about finding self, heck, stop trying to find self. Go sell self. Only in service do we find self and fully heal self.

People attack me instead of facing that they’re not willing to get into the game of life and marketplace. My preoccupation with them is my way of avoiding life and marketplace. :-)What a self-perpetuating cycle of avoidance! So I focus on my own failings and on being of service. I focus on today!

EagleWithIrisDetailI pray, “Hermes, Mercury, Exu, open the road and gate to my profession today, that I may serve.Open the road and gate within my heart today, that I may serve. Open the road and gate, today, for the person whose needs and goals are well met by my particular shamanic skill set. Guide my day in the divine marketplace, today. Help me be a sacred merchant, today. Help me try and try and try, today, for to be a professional shaman who is well-serving community means to ever be resurrected, both in my private life and daily in my commitment to the market place.” (I support all definitions of shamanism. This paragraph is specific to a moment in time.)

I post this today, because my heart needs to touch someone who will understand my pain, my commitment, my happiness in my work, and in hopes the post will help them. Please tell me if you understand and/or if this post helps.

Here’s a description of my shamanic counseling sessions. And you can schedule online.



I heard words about silence,
And again.
Eloquence can lead us toward a stilled hush,
but “toward” is not “at.”

Our poems and prayers
sometimes muzzle God,
leave Divinity mute,
unable to speak except for the hollow terror we feel
for lack of touching Her palm
with our small empty
fragile fingers.

So I got silent to hear God.

Afterwards, I wrote a poem describing what happened:

“The silent voice
tells me, ‘Love.’
More than tells me,
also gives me
the ability.”

Did writing the poem about the ability
make me lose the ability?
I am more and more dissatisfied
with my words, your words,
I want to just be with you, holding hands,
in God’s company.
I’m so excited to offer Archetype Coaching in a one-hour appointment, instead of only as part of something else—such as a class—which is how I have done it til now!

A Faerie Retreat, Created Especially for You

imageNeed renewal and pampering, but can’t get away? Want to sit with a shaman to increase your mystic skills, but travel not an option?

Would you like a private, guided “astral retreat,” right where you live?

Receive a three-week shamanic ritual intensive, tailored to you. Your needs and wishes tended to. Your “astral retreat” consists of:

1) Two one-hour private phone sessions a week, for three weeks. The only time you need to take is our meetings—and huge shifts occur. You will be hoodooed: I channel six experiences to nourish and empower your unique spirit more than some people will believe possible. Sessions also help manifest your mystical, business-related, or other goals.

2) Direct spiritual transmissions five days a week, without you doing a thing. Go about your business, I’ll do the work for you. Note: I don’t decide what kind of energy you receive. I am a conduit, the Divine sends what suits you, whether that is physical healing, removal of blocks to prosperity, intensification of your shamanic skill, all of these, or something else.

3) If you want assignments (to do between sessions), I tailor them to your needs and schedule. Examples: gentle nurturing acts that are easy to fit into your day; or challenging rituals that increase shamanic power. If you don’t want assignments, I tailor our sessions to accommodate that.

Faerie art, Francesca De Grandis

Visit me in my astral home, we will travel. Faerie art, Francesca De Grandis

Individually, services included in the retreat would cost $1350:
– Six private sessions, $750.
– Three weeks of transmissions, $600

In appreciation of your making self-care a priority, your total cost is $1000.

Questions? Prefer payment plan? Call 814-337-2490.

I can create personalized retreats for a limited number of folks. I cleared my schedule to help the retreat fits into yours; other work may dominate my schedule soon. Choose one of the three-week periods below. After payment, if you live in the U,S., I’ll call you to schedule appointments. If you live outside the U.S., call me to schedule appointments: 814-337-2490.

Fine print:
* After registering, if a crisis requires you delay, I give you six weeks to complete your six phone sessions, but cannot refund.
* If you must change an appointment time, I need 24 hours’ notice, or you lose that appointment.

You can do our appointments on a lunch break or with child in your lap. I take care of you. Scroll down to pick your three weeks.

Choose one of the three-week periods below.

Four Things (Oral Tradition)

Nov, 2012

If someone wanted me for a Faerie teacher, and was deciding which of my classes to take, here are four things I’d want to tell them:

Faerie art, Francesca De Grandis

Faerie art, Francesca De Grandis: With my winged cat, in my astral home. Visit me, by phone. We will travel other realms. (Click on this pic to see it large and clear.)

1) Don’t wait until I offer the “right” class. My class descriptions can be irrelevant. Oral tradition classes can’t be described. Use your intuition about whether to enroll in whatever class I’m currently offering. You might also need to ask yourself whether waiting for the “right” class is a way to put off self-empowerment ad infinitum.

2) The important thing is not class descriptions. It is being together. You want to learn shamanism, sit next to a shaman. (We do “sit,” side by side, long-distance, in classes by phone.) Some of the most advanced lessons I’ve given, if observed by a passer by, seemed just a trip to the grocery store. Saying, “We’re going to the grocery store” is not an inviting class description, lol.

3) If you want to grow in the Faerie Faith, do not wait for me to offer a class described as helping you do that. Take whatever class I offer now. Everything I offer is Faerie Faith. I’m Faerie. Faerie isn’t something I sometimes do. It is what I am. A Faerie does not run around talking about Faerie. She simply is what she is. Come be you, with me. You will become more you.

Faerie art, Francesca De Grandis4) What is done in my classes is invisible. The heart of life is invisible. The strongest magic is not in my books, nor what I post on social media, it is what I do unseen, it is what you do unseen. Oral tradition is unseen. And, were it observed, it would seem unspectacular, ordinary, as if there were a circle around us keeping anyone outside it from feeling the power. That is part of what makes it secret, part of the great mysteries: most magic is not spoken or observable or describable. It is lived. It is shared by being together. Being. It is a simple state of being, simple but hard to achieve. Come be be be be with me.

With love, Francesca

For upcoming classes and other news go here and here too:

Being Seen in Truth



Recently, a new student told me, “I expected to be blown away, but not in the very first class. Wow!” That felt great, but frustrating, because my work’s exceptional quality is hard to believe, so when I describe the nature of my classes and counseling, and the benefits of working with me, it sounds like promotional hype or an ego party.

(I should represent my work as mediocre, more people might study with me, LOL!)

It is crazy-making to be extraordinarily gifted and not get to use that as much as I could to serve folks, bc some fool told them my class descriptions are hype. Ok. End of vent. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

The solution: I trust the Universe is divinely, correctly aligned; I keep telling the truth re who I am and what I do; and I hold foremost in my thoughts the immense blessing I am given—that some folks fully see me, the same way I see them; as I reflect their full beauty and power back to them when we work together, they are my fellow seekers, awesome camaraderie and support in my spiritual growth.
I’m so excited to offer Archetype Coaching in a one-hour appointment, instead of only as part of something else—such as a class—which is how I have done it til now!

Prayer for the New Year: Knowing Beauty

Hiya, Was just reminded of a prayer I wrote a while back. I wrote it for my own personal use, but am posting it because, perhaps, others might find benefit in reciting it:

I painted this blessing banner a year or two ago, but post it now bc it is in the spirit of my prayer.

“May I see and know beauty, inner and outer, beauty of self and all existence.

“May I know that inner beauty I was born with—the beauty of my innate importance and greatness. We are all born with it; may outer beauty never distract me from the beautiful truths and importance in all beings and all existence, but reinforce in my mind the beauty of each person’s truth, power, and importance, the inner beauty of the truth, power, and importance in each and every atom.

“May my creation of outer beauty mirror—and nurture—the innate inner beauty of all reality, instead of being an escape from reality or distracting me from it.

“May I know all my beauty, and help others know all theirs.

“May the beauty of my Gods run through me, flawed a vessel though I am, that others can feel Their utter love. May i be a lighthouse, the beacon of which does not point to me as a solution and hope, but to the perfect loving beauty of the Divine.”

Those of you who study with me know that helping folks know all their beauty (note the word “all”) is important to me. And, for me, beauty is a word with wide meanings. Thanks for letting me share my prayer! It reminds me to use it, LOL! Oh, the line about the beacon might be familiar bc I wrote a similar line in a couple of my blogs.

Know all your beauty:

Reader Reviews

Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast:
A Daily Reader for Busy Parents and Their Children

. . . and for Any Way-Busy Person
Spiritual reading that fits into your day

by Francesca De Grandis
Author of Be a Goddess!

“Just by reading or listening to Francesca’s words, like the words of the Torah or Sufi, or the Tao, one can be taken into hidden worlds, worlds full of deep healings and teachings.”
– – Geoffrey “Grasshopper” Cohen

Reader reviews are important. But Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast is not on Amazon.

Please post feedback below, to help readers make an informed choice about buying their copy. Thank you for making true indie culture work!

Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast is available through its author. Click here.

Solstice Snow-Kitty

The kitten almost knocked over huge houseplants trying to get a good view out the window. I figure that was pretty clear guidance from the Universe to take a break from shipping books and go outside with my kitten into the snow.

Our venture probably lasted only ten minutes, and was just us hanging out. But I felt joy and wonder.

Cosmic Cat Nap, Francesca De Grandis

I feel blessed today that I find immense joy in small things, despite daily challenges that would’ve killed many people in both spirit and body. I also feel the hope that my classes impart the same sense of miracle in the wee gifts amidst enormous difficulties. That is not necessarily spelled out in my curriculum descriptions, but it is innate in an authentic spiritual teaching and methodology: life brings challenges, and with them great sorrow; life also brings us great joy if we open to it despite our struggles.

There are, of course, times when trauma or other challenges will overwhelm. Then my job during class or a counseling session is not to be a Pollyanna who callously insists, “If you were really spiritual, you would be cheerful anyway!” The recent deaths of Connecticut children has us deeply grieving. At such times, I share coping and grieving tools, ways to heal, and methods to overcome problems.

We cannot always have the joy the World Tree offers us, and must face inevitable pain. My hope, in my heart today, is that I help my students and clients do that and also help them find as much joy as possible, when it is possible. I am an ecstatic, in love with the world tree, and I believe, deep in the cells of my heart, that the world tree is in love with each of us, so It wants to celebrate existence with us.

On solstice day, I smile thinking about my little faerie kitten looking up at the snow, studying it thoughtfully, and I wish you happy solstice.

I experience profound love from—and connectivity with—the Divine. Do you want spiritual reading that reflects accessible Divine love? How about that honors your idea of Divinity (e.g., God, Goddess, God within, World Tree, Universe)? Read Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast. Available here:

Santa and My New Familiar (Cute Kitty Pics)

As some of you know, Santa is in my pantheon. Being a good pagan god, he is not distant and inaccessible. He visits me all year. In November, he came over and got to know my new familiar.

They had a great time! Look at the pic below, kitty is clearly telling us, “Santa loves me!”

She also said, “And I love Santa!” She wasn’t fibbing, you can see it in her eyes.

Then she told me, “Santa Claus is not a stuck up God. Santa lets me climb him!” The pic below proves it!

(Yup, Santa doesn’t always wear his red suit, sometimes he likes to hang out in a sweatshirt.)

have a great season!
I experience profound love from—and connectivity with—the Divine. Do you want spiritual reading that reflects accessible Divine love? How about that honors your idea of Divinity (e.g., God, Goddess, God within, World Tree, Universe)? Read Sprinkling Faerie Dust on Breakfast. Available here: