Category Archives: Classes, Books, and Other News
Protected: Litha Ritual Invitation 2017
Upcoming Class: Kitchen Magic
In just seven lessons, learn kitchen witchery for prosperity, peace, protection, confidence, courage, and nearly anything else you want.
These are quick, easy spells for life’s essentials and life’s joys. The way I teach you, a complete beginner can be a powerful kitchen witch.
My style hearth magic is so easy to fit into your day. Most of it can be done while cooking, cleaning, and other customary activities, which means you can fit in plenty of witchcraft to manifest the life you want.
Use ordinary household objects, like kitchen spices and cosmetics, as mystical tools and potions.
When busy, stressed, or ill, it’s hard to find time and energy for spellwork. Learn sixty-second enchantments, manageable for anyone. These spells are so easy and powerful.
During lessons, you can ask for spells to manifest whatever is most important to you. I’ll channel wizardry that fits into your particular home life.
Plus learn how to express yourself by creating kitchen spells.
And learn longer hearth rituals: special occasions, when you have time and desire.
Some lessons covered in class will also be sent to you in digital Book of Shadows pages, ornamented by my original shamanic art, which blesses our work.
This class is Third Road tradition (the tradition I teach). In other words, it is typical of the particular Faerie shamanism I channel: deep yet accessible, ecstatic without pretentiousness, effective without being overwhelmingly complex. In addition, the Fey Folk add beauty and excitement to the magic, and reveal mystical secrets.
We’ll explore how powerful this style of hearth witchery is mystically, spiritually, and magically. Beginners and adepts gain huge improvement, inside and out. I have something so unique in this class—channeled from my past lives.
The immense enchantment, sacredness, and beauty I experience using kitchen magic equals my experience in formal ritual with an elaborate altar. Do not get me wrong, I love elaborate ritual with lots of formal ritual tools. And I’m a highly trained magician. But that’s my point! Kitchen mojo can match all that, and without needing all the training. I channel—and love!—many magical styles, and though I excel at several that require a lot of skill, my life would be sorely lacking without Third Road style hearth magic.
Starts Sunday July 23, 6:00 pm, EST.
Classes are group meetings by phone: just dial the phone to participate.
We meet seven consecutive Sundays, 6:00 to 7:00 pm EST, starting Sunday July 23. Reserve Sunday Sept 10 same time, for a makeup session, in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned meetings.
Tuition is $250. Long-distance charges may apply. If so, they appear on your phone bill. The event’s area code is a U.S. #.
Upon receipt of payment, your place is reserved. You receive event phone #, etc., by email. If you need more info, or want to discuss scholarship, trade, or payment plan, call 814-337-2490. No refunds.
Scroll down to enroll: enter your phone number and pay securely with PayPal.
Upcoming Event: Animus Power
Animus Power:
A Shamanic Ritual about
Healthy, Joyous Masculinity in All of Us
This is a seven-week ritual process for women, men, and individuals of any other gender identity or lack thereof.
Everyone has a male aspect. (The word animus means a person’s male aspect.)
In most people, the male aspect is deeply wounded. The majority of folks don’t see that some of their major life problems come from a wounded animus.
We will heal that injury and empower a healthy, holy, joyous masculinity within ourselves. We’ll also embrace the internal, loving father.
Are you wondering what benefits this ceremony provides? The ritual helps you:
* End frustration. Find the determination to accomplish whatever is important to you.
* Stop the self-sabotage of not following through on your objectives. Keep working toward goals right to the finish line.
* Set free the suppressed animus, so you express yourself fully and with confidence. It can be too hard on one’s own to recognize one’s animus as suppressed. I will show you how to do it.
* Heal the (often subconscious) shame of a suppressed animus. Expect a big boost in self-respect once you take this journey with me.
* Leave behind the maddening inability to find solutions. More easily see ways to survive, thrive, and self-express … and have the power to do so.
Those are a lot of big benefits. They really spare us some misery. There’s good reason to celebrate this event.
You see, starting about 1987, I led the Animus Power ceremony regularly for years. Despite it really helping attendees, I stopped offering the event for a long time, to focus on some other work, though I consistently shared some of the ceremony’s material in my classes and with clients one-on-one. I eventually started offering the ritual again, but no longer on a regular basis. I’m thrilled to be in a position to lead the ritual this year so you can experience all its material. It was always joyous, important work.
Portrait of suppressed animus:
My background: I developed innovative modalities for—and understandings of—gender empowerment (for example, my concept of, and rites to free, a suppressed animus). I am trained in traditional shamanic healing forms of gender empowerment, and my anthropological research helped me as a shamanic practitioner overall.
“Her insightful research in anthropology led to her innovative work in the modalities of spiritual healing.”—S.S. Kush, Professor of Anthropology
This ceremony is entry-level yet multi-leveled. It meets you where you live.
Animus Power fulfills one of the electives needed for advanced Third Road training.
Nuts and bolts:
* We meet in teleseminars (group phone meetings). To participate, just dial the phone.
* Meetings are seven consecutive Tuesdays from noon to 1:00 EST, starting Tuesday April 11.
* Reserve Tues May 30, same time, for a makeup session in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned sessions.
* Upon receipt of payment, your place is reserved, and you receive event phone #, etc., by email. If you need more info, or want to discuss scholarship, trade, or payment plan, call 814-337-2490. No refunds.
* Total fee is $250. You might also pay long-distance charges that will appear on your phone bill. The event’s area code is a U.S. #. If you’ve attended this rite, attend again at half-price, $125. Choose half-price in the drop-down menu below.
Scroll down to enroll: enter your phone number and pay securely with PayPal.
Participants have consistently found this ceremony to be an irreplaceable pivot point toward reaching inner and outer goals that previously had them stymied. Nothing like this process is available elsewhere, even after three decades. I won’t offer Animus Power again for another five years. So do it now.
Embrace animus power.
Baba Yaga’s Apprentice
Baba Yaga’s Apprentice:
A Faerie Tale Ritual
If ever we needed ways to stay focused and whole, and experience some gentleness, this is the time.
Baba Yaga’s Apprentice is my gentle enchantment that creates focus and wholeness. I believe this magic is all the more powerful and effective for its gentleness.
This storybook is for grown-ups . . . but the sort of adults who remain, or want to remain, childlike at heart.
This book’s format: PDF.
List price: $25
Price: $19.99
The tale is my revisioning of Baba Yaga folklore.
As the book’s story proceeds, a ritual simultaneously unfolds for the reader.
Here’s one of the illustrations:
Baba Yaga’s Apprentice is fun, easy reading.
Along with being a Faerie tale and a gentle ritual, this book is also a work of art for you. Trying to evoke the embellishments in old Faerie tale books and add a layer of enchantment to the magical foundation I’d spun with the text, I ornamented every page with my original full color art. Most of the art is my spin on Poland’s folk art.
I have felt immense mojo on the project; I wanted this spell to happen so much.
From the preface:
“The spell is very easy to do. You don’t even have to “do” it. The sheer reading of the Faerie tale to oneself, just for fun, even silently, and enjoying my paintings, is all it takes for the spell to work.”
“The storybook’s magical current helps you:
* Focus on what’s important to you.
* Follow through on it.
* Stay centered in your power and your love.
* Protect your dear heart from being hurt or blocked.
* Feed your witchy soul.
“The ritual also supports you if you are introverted, empathic, exceptionally magical, or sensitive psychically.
“And when you are fearful or nervous, this is a good tale for you.”
The book is 7000 words and 46 pages.
Here’s another sample, a text frame I painted:
This volume was created with my sincerest hope that the gentle love and hope with which the Muse infused the pages will sustain and empower you … over and over.
Available only from the author.
Protected: For my newsletter recipients
Protected: Giveaway to My Newsletter Subscribers
Upcoming Event: the Old Ones
Starts November 28
Some individuals interested in The Love-Witch (a two-month Faerie ceremony I’m currently leading) can’t attend its meetings and asked for an alternative. I felt my Gods were talking through them.
So I worked out something that has some of The Love-Witch ceremony’s energy but does not require meetings. Here’s what I’ve set up for them and you:
Receive three yummy magics:
1) Long-distance direct spiritual transmissions for two months! The transmissions help you center into your love, gentleness, compassion, playfulness, pleasure, and beauty. They are supple, unconquerable magics that help you:
* Reach goals your heart longs for.
* Make the world a better place.
* Enjoy wonderful self-care.
Over the two months, the more you’re centered into those magics, the more they’ll automatically align you with the enchantments that surround you every moment. Those enchantments are Divine Love, the most potent magic of all, and it takes care of you even when you’re not doing spells.
The transmissions also help you:
* Give yourself all the loving care, compassion, and joy you readily give everyone else.
* Be immune to cynics, greedy people, and others who fight Love. Protect yourself, make boundaries, and, undeterred by discouragers, move powerfully through the world as an agent of love.
* Be happy and free, as your spiritual beauty radiates to illuminate your life and the world.
You receive the direct spiritual transmissions three days a week, for two months! You don’t have to do anything for the transmissions to work. I do the work for you.
2) Centering emails: I call someone a “Love-Witch” if they believe love, gentleness, compassion, playfulness, pleasure, and beauty are magic. Every other week, you receive an email that supports the Love-Witch in you. The emails discuss some of the issues I mentioned the direct spiritual transmissions focusing on.
3) Both months, you receive a different full-color digital talisman I intuitively choose for your unique goals, strengths, and challenges as a Love-Witch. The talismans are my original art painted in trance, and I magically activate them. You receive yours as a JPEG by email. (I retain full copyright of my art. Commercial use of the piece is available at additional cost.)
Here is one of the talismans, called “Silly Dragon Hiding.” Its detail is blurred a bit by this site’s download process. Your talisman will be clearer:
I will email you a description of your talisman’s specific powers, along with instructions to receive the symbol’s blessings almost effortlessly.
Individually, cost of these three services would add up to $380. I reduced your price to $300.
Pay securely with PayPal. Two options:
Use the Pay Now button to send me the $300. You don’t need a PayPal account.
Or use the Subscribe button to make two automatic monthly payments of $150. Payments appear on the credit card associated with your PayPal account. This option is available if you have a PayPal account.
For more info, or to discuss scholarship, partial scholarship, or trade, call 814-337-2490. I do not discuss this work by email. Refunds unavailable.
No experience needed. But adepts are deeply impacted.
Again, spiritual transmissions start November 28, so register now.
Love Witches can be considered the Old Ones. Here is my poem We Are the Old Ones:
We’re the Old Ones—ancient as forests—born into Gaia again
to continue our work and our joy.
We’re dreamers wanting to make a positive difference
by bringing love—and more love—everywhere
our free spirits wander.
We’re the Fey children of Mother Earth
who believe magic infuses
every aspect of Her being and all Her children.
We know Her gentle magics
are as powerful as flashy, overt magics.
We embrace both.
We know a flower found by the roadside
can be a transformative gift to a friend.
We’re the ones who defend
Gaia’s children from being harmed.
We’re the ones who speak up
to protect the defenseless.
We try to make our thoughts and actions
reflect the Goddess’ love.
We take care of people around us,
both those we know well
and those who pass through our lives.
We might do the above things poorly sometimes,
but they’re central to our lives:
we bring love, gentleness, and compassion to the world.
So mote it be.
The Love-Witch: a Two-Month Faerie Ceremony
A two-month Faerie love-in! The unconquerable magics of love, gentleness, compassion, play, pleasure, and beauty will help you
* reach goals your heart longs for,
* make the world a better place,
* and enjoy wonderful self-care.
Some Pagans insist a “real witch” is always brooding, hexing, and amoral. Humbug! They might call this event “fluffy bunny Paganism,” but the event’s immense power syncs all the way to the center of the earth and rises all the way to the stars.
The Third Road tradition of witchcraft can be fierce and determined. We also have gentle magics that reach goals just as effectively. This event focuses on that gentle mojo, letting our love, compassion, and playfulness radiate to illuminate our lives and the world.
The world needs your loving light, which my student Jenelle Campion describes as a sweetness that’s invalidated.
This event is for witches who strive to be both wild and gentle, strong and compassionate. I call such a Pagan a “Love-Witch.”
You’ll be drenched in love! The event has four magics that add up big. You receive:
1) Long distance direct spiritual transmissions, three days a week, for two months. You don’t have to do anything for the transmission to work. I do the work for you.
Traditional craft—my magic spinning to support your every cell. The transmission shapes to you: it gives you what your heart needs next, helps you go heart-led directions, and nestles you into the love and bounty within the Great Mother’s heart. For two months!
2) Seven ritual circles of love, via group phone call. Our rites together draw on gentle magics—our loving suppleness, light-heartedness, and spiritual beauty—to make a better world, achieve personal goals, and nurture self-love.
These gentle magics also align us with the enchantments that surround us every moment—that power is Divine Love, the most potent magic of all.
It’s a Faerie Love-In! Our shamanic process will be compassion, play, beauty, and pleasure. I push students when needed, but not in these meetings. I’ll guide with a gentle touch. We can best bring gentleness, compassion, play, and pleasure to the world if we give that to ourselves in our own process. These meetings will model that for you.
If you’re the rare heart-led being, you know it’s hard to be an agent of love in a world where vision is often scorned by those who prefer greed and narrow-mindedness, Receive tools to do your work in the world and to take loving care of yourself in the process.
Win as an agent of love:
* Has darkness tried to snuff your bright light? We’ll discuss shining brightly without drawing attack and other protections.
* Learn gentle magics that create immunity to cynics, greedy people, and others who fight Love. Move through the world as a love-witch, without being crushed by attacks or discouragers.
* Give yourself all the love, compassion, and joy you readily give everyone else.
Receive personal attention. During tribe meetings, I’ll intuit lessons and rites that help you go where your heart leads and nestle you in Divine Care.
The group meets via group phone call. Simply dial the phone to participate.
We meet seven Thursdays, from 6:00 to 7:00 PM EST. Meetings are spread over two months’ time. Holiday weeks are among those we skip. Meeting dates:
November 10
November 17
December 1
December 8
December 15
December 29
January 12
Reserve Thursday, January 19, same time, for a makeup class in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned sessions.
(Direct spiritual transmissions start November 7, a few days before class, to begin our Faerie love-in before we even gather.)
3) Heart-Centering: On weeks without tribe meetings, a quick-to-read email centers you in your gentle witchcraft and heart-goals.
4) You receive a full color digital talisman tailored to your unique spirit. I magically activate the talisman to moor you to your Gods’ love and protection as you work toward your life goals and do Their work. Their powers and love feed yours. These talismans are my original art painted in trance. You receive yours as a JPEG by email. (I retain full copyright of my art. Commercial use of the piece is available at additional cost.) Here is one of the talismans, called “Silly Dragon Hiding.” Its detail is blurred a bit by this site’s download process:
The email explains the symbol’s specific powers, and includes instructions to receive the symbol’s blessings almost effortlessly.
Individually, all these services would cost $560. I’m reducing their cost:
Pay securely with PayPal, with two options. Both are big savings:
Option 1) Total cost: $460, with two easy automatic monthly payments of $230. Payments appear on the credit card associated with your PayPal account. This option is available if you have a PayPal account. Use the Subscribe button.
Option 2) Pay all at once by October 20 to save another $80. Total cost: $380. You don’t need a PayPal account. Use the Pay Now button.
Upon payment, your place is reserved, and I email you event phone number, etc. Refunds unavailable. For more info, or to discuss scholarship, partial scholarship, or trade, call 814-337-2490. I do not discuss this work by email.
You might pay long-distance charges to call the event’s number (a U.S. area code), depending on your long-distance plan. Charges would appear on your phone bill.
This two-month process can be used as one of the electives needed before advanced Third Road training.
No experience needed. But adepts are deeply impacted.
My poem “We Are the Old Ones” describes a Love-Witch:
We’re the Old Ones—ancient as forests—born into Gaia again
to continue our work and our joy.
We’re dreamers wanting to make a positive difference
by bringing love—and more love—everywhere
our free spirits wander.
We’re the Fey children of Mother Earth
who believe magic infuses
every aspect of Her being and all Her children.
We know Her gentle magics
are as powerful as flashy, overt magics.
We embrace both.
We know a flower found by the roadside
can be a transformative gift to a friend.
We’re the ones who defend
Gaia’s children from being harmed.
We’re the ones who speak up
to protect the defenseless.
We try to make our thoughts and actions
reflect the Goddess’ love.
We take care of people around us,
both those we know well
and those who pass through our lives.
We might do the above things poorly sometimes,
but they’re central to our lives:
we bring love, gentleness, and compassion to the world.
So mote it be.
Book of Shadows
My Fey kin,
Announcing a two-volume Third Road Book of Shadows:
* consisting of two PDF ebooks,
* every page ornamented by my full color shamanic art.
Full price for this two-volume Faerie Book of Shadows is $50. Buy it at the special price of $43.
This is easy traditional witchery with substance: Pagan liturgy, inspirational contemplations, prayer,
mystical musings, and other straightforward magics help you live free and create your destiny.
The books aren’t like my texts that require committing to a training. You can think of some of these Book of Shadows entries as relaxed strolls through Fey landscapes. Entries vary in length. Some are a few words, like a quick visit I hope makes you smile … or even giggle mischievously.
I believe these otherworldly moments, which access Third Road shamanism, add beauty, inspiration, and enchantment to the reader’s life.
This project is a deeply personal sharing—intimate glimpses into both my private Faerie journey and my day as a shamanic guide.
Total pages of the two PDFs is 191 pages. My original shamanic art blesses every page, so mote it be!
Book I is The Third Road: a Faerie Shaman’s Book of Shadows. Its magic overflows into Book II: Trickster, with more Third Road Book of Shadows entries, including my pivotal 4000 word essay about trickster energy.
Trickster is usually portrayed as a conniving deity or person who perpetuates cruel jokes for our own good. The essay details how this is an erroneous view that squelches freedom.
I have an unusual view of trickster. The essay introduces you to the Trickster who’s neither cruel nor conniving. In a kind manner, she opens the door to freedom and joy. This trickster energy betters my private Fey life and work as a shamanic guide in ways not generally considered the sacred clown’s role, even in modern Pagan culture.
You meet the innocent—and often Divine Feminine—Faerie Trickster from whom all powers and joys spring. Divine Feminine Trickster is explicitly discussed in the essay a tiny bit and is implied in all its words.
I share this previously unpublished Trickster material after so many years because it’s pivotal to the immensely effective magic and enchanted Fey qualities people experience in the Third Road tradition of witchcraft.
Below is a sample page. It is not crisp and clear like the actual e-books because this website blurs images. Ditto the books’ covers.
I set a low price for high value, because I want you able to acquire an enchanted treasure.
If you cannot afford the set: I’m exploring options for low-income folks. More about that in a newsletter.
This set is two digital ebooks: PDFs with all original art by the author. Available only from the author here:
I decided against selling my last few books on Amazon. This is challenging, but some texts need independence. I sell them directly to my beautiful readers and fulfill orders personally.
From my Fey heart to yours,
Francesca De Grandis aka Outlaw Bunny