Basking in Goddess Love
A Three-Month Immersion in the Presence of the Divine
The Goddess’ care of you will improve everything in your life, both mystic and mundane. Consistently experience Her love for you. Viscerally feel trust in love from the Divine so you relax as you go about your day. Reside in empowerment from the Fairy Gods.
What Is Basking in Goddess Love?
Basking in Goddess Love is a three-month immersion in the Presence of the Divine.
The event consists of half-hour rituals, three times a week, via teleseminar—group phone calls. No special technology; just dial your phone.
The whole time, every meeting, will be ritual, during which we simply spend time with Fairy Gods. (The word Gods includes male, female, and any other gender Deity.) In other words, our sole activity: to be in the presence of the Divine.
The exceptions will be a few preparatory steps, which I lead during the meetings. For example, we’ll set up protection to create a safe space for ritual or will center so you can focus on the rite. You’ll also need three minutes after each session to do a special grounding I’ll teach.
How Can a Half-Hour Just Being with Fairy Gods Help Me?
Simply being in Their company is to receive all blessings.
The rituals will be a chance to completely give yourself over to care from the Fey Gods.
When I spend a half-hour visiting my Gods, everything changes. No matter how much negativity or despair I feel, how many problems have piled up, or how much evil I see in the world, if I spend a half-hour with my Gods, I turn into a completely different person—the truest me. I become more centered and strong. Ideas and solutions I need come to me intuitively. A positive attitude is easier to sustain.
The energy around me shifts, too. My luck is better. Throughout the day, I’m more likely to feel my Gods by my side, the wind at my back, and my feet firmly on my path.
Trauma, Shamanism, Divinity
I want the world to be my talisman. I want the whole day to be my talisman. But how do I reach that talismanic reality when there’s so much horror and woundedness all around me in the world, every day?
Despite challenges, trauma, and the cruelty we see, the Great Mother Goddess—Magna Mater, known worldwide as the Fairy Queen—and other loving Gods can help us have the inner power to control our lives and make a better world.
Simple experiential awareness of Their presence helps heal trauma.
Repeatedly focusing on companionship with Them also brings us into a beautiful liminal space in which we shift into peace, prosperity, healing, power, and happiness.
Some of us need empowerment more than ever right now. Experiential awareness of the presence of the Old Gods provides it.
Consistent ritual is vital in difficult times. During crisis, enrolling in this event might be one of the most important steps you take. For one thing, it’ll help bring the most powerful you forward to face challenges and accomplish exactly what’s needed.

Basking in Goddess Love meets for three months, starting May 2.
Three times a week, I will lead half-hour-long ceremonies via group telephone calls.
To participate, simply dial the phone.
We’ll meet from 2:00 to 2:30, Eastern standard time—11:00 to 11:30, Pacific time—on Mondays, Wednesday, and Thursdays.
Reserve Wednesday August 3 and Thursday August 4, the usual time, for makeup sessions in case I’m unavailable for planned sessions.

Enrollment is $250 a month for three months. Your carrier might charge you for the calls.
I’m charging far less than I would usually for the amount of work I’ll be doing, because you needn’t attend every ritual. You have the yummy option of coming to all of them, but you can miss meetings without wasting your money. Show up when you can, even if it’s only half of the meetings.
I won’t repeat information and rituals that you missed. If that leaves you unclear about something during a meeting you’re in, just do the best you can, going along for the ride. You receive huge benefits when you simply show up for rituals in which you feel a Divine presence. Plus the accumulative effect of the rituals’ loving energy is huge. More about the accumulative effect is below.
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Limited enrollment. Upon receipt of payment, your seat is reserved. You receive event phone number, etc., by email. Refunds unavailable. Call me if you want more information or to discuss scholarship, trade, or payment plan. My number is below.

Basking in Goddess Love can be used as one of the two qualifying electives needed to participate in the advanced Fairy Witch Training .
Are You Thinking, “I’m Too Busy for These Rituals”?
When I’m not centered in my Gods’ love for me, I lose far more time than the three half-hours a week we’ll do ritual. Without that centering, I waste time on worry, obsession, time-robbing bad habits like too much social media, and ineffective solutions to problems so I am battling them endlessly.
In ancient shamanic culture, tribes were busy—hunting, weaving, etc.,—and all the more so during crisis. However, they didn’t try to shoulder on without group rites. Sacred group meetings were part of the everyday, even during major upheaval.

More Benefits from Being in the Presence of Fairy Gods
I find the Old Gods so beautiful that, when I am conscious of Them, as we will be during the rituals, Their beauty somehow reveals and affirms the full extent of my own inner and outer beauty. This is self-confidence to the max.
Experiencing Their beauty also centers me into my wisdom, gloriousness, and power. I also center into a flow of beneficial synchronicities.
Their beauty washes away my doubt and pain.
When I am aware of the presence of the Fairy Queen and the other kindly Fairy Gods, They are more able to lend me all Their powers.
They are more able to give me assistance, sustenance, magic, joy, and good luck.
How Do I Benefit from Repeatedly Spending a Half-Hour with Gods?
After visiting with Them on a regular basis for a while, you start to feel Them with you more consistently, not just during our rituals or on the days you attend them.
A half-hour with Pagan Gods three times a week snowballs into ongoing blessings, for example, you more consistently go about your life centered into your truest needs and wants, and you live in peace and love.
The sum of the whole becomes greater than its parts. This includes extensive healing. This three-month immersion is a soul-healing, which is greatly needed by some of us in these crazy times.
Healing includes recovering from ancestral traumas.
If You Know How to Visit Gods Without a Facilitator:
If you have the skills to visit Gods on your own, it might be hard for you to get around to doing that, unless you are part of a scheduled group.
And it can be hard—if not near impossible—to find time and willingness to spiritually tend to oneself on one’s own.
Honestly, part of why I’m leading this group is so that I have to show up three times a week to hang out with beautiful people and my sweet Gods. It’s amazing how much we humans can resist the very things that are best for us and that we love.
If lack of time keeps you from shamanic self-care, including creating or choosing rituals to take care of yourself, I have your back. I have rituals already prepared for you.
You needn’t go it alone.
What Will Our Visits with Gods Be Like?
To be in the company of the Fairy Queen and all our other good Fairy Gods is to be in Their hearts, Their care, Their magic, Their realm.
The Old Gods are miracle makers so a half-hour with Them can accomplish a lot.
For three months, we will be immersed in the source of all power.
Otherworldly time spent with Them is a nourishment and joy unlike almost anything else.
There will be various rituals. Here are some of them. We will:
* Visit the Goddess’ garden of bounty. She never kicked us out of the primordial garden. The Biblical story that we were thrust from the garden is a lie tailored to convince us we need to toil miserably for our nourishments. No! The Old Gods will welcome us into the garden and shower bounty on us.
* Also visit the Avalon isle and other Fey realms where Gods walk.
* Dwell in magic. The current of magic that flows through the universe is the living presence of the Gods and Their love for us. When we sink into that magical flow, it carries us to our dearest goals.
* Abide in Their Love for us, in the sense of settling into that love and experiencing its transformation of us and our lives.
* Revel in connectivity with the cosmos. That connectivity is union with the Gods.
* Worship the Gods, not in the usual sense of uplifting them while demeaning ourselves but in a mutual, empowering celebration of ourselves and Them.
* Nestle into the good luck that flows throughout existence. Good luck is the Fairy Gods’ care for us.
We Will Avoid Hard Spiritual Work, LOL
I am planning rites that are joyful and easy. Sometimes shamanism is hard. But not always.
Though this event nurtures inner growth, it is unlike many of my events. We will not pursue the usual vigorous disciplines I teach. For example, the focus on inner growth will not include examining oneself for behavior, feelings, and ideas that hurt oneself and others.
A mystical approach that does not include hard work can be escapism and function like a drug unless accompanied by the ongoing spiritual practices that I teach. But they are not part of this upcoming event because everything has its season.
There is a time to simply be in the presence of Deity. That is what we will do.
Catch a breath. Rest, recoup, regroup.
Relax. Let yourself have ongoing easy spiritual sustenance.
During every ritual, I also give a direct spiritual transmission.
To define my transmissions: I was born generating a beneficial field of energy. During our meetings, it adapts to your needs, e.g., personal growth, soul-healing, physical health, joy, safety on the mundane and etheric planes, the spiritual strength to get back up after life’s knocked you down. The transmissions do not focus on one benefit only, but bless you as a whole being. They also add luck to your efforts to improve your life.
Skepticism about Spirituality Is Healthy
Be Skeptical.
If you’re dubious about these rituals accomplishing what I’ve outlined, you’re smart. The world is full of “spiritual” con-artists.
My claims aren’t hype. If one of my services or books accomplished something for you that nothing else had, that begins to give you the real picture.
I trained from childhood as a shaman. I dedicated my life to developing shamanic skills and innovative ritual methodologies and to becoming a guide capable of addressing different life arenas at depth.
I can make a half-hour shamanic experience extraordinary.
Don’t take my word. Trust what your gut tells you. … Does it say my methods create miracles?
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