New Fairy Witch Class

Begins February 2025

Join the Fairy Magic Circus - Ecstatic Spirituality, Sacred Play, Joyful Wonder - Magic to Reach Every Goal

Join the Fairy Magic Circus

Ecstatic Spirituality, Sacred Play, Joyful Wonder

Magic to Reach Every Goal

Joy, fun, wonder, and even silliness are powerful magics that help create prosperity, community, justice, self-expression, career success, soul-healing, freedom, and your other life goals. This course will show you how.

We’ll travel into the Fey realm to go to the Fairy Magic Circus. We will learn the magical powers of sacred joy from the masters of happiness: The clown, aerialist, strength performer, contortionist, juggler, wild animal handler, and ring master/mistress will teach you magic spells.

These archetypes will help you cast happy spells for everything you want.

The RingMaster/Mistress’s Powers

Fun Is Holy

Fun is holy. I cannot doubt it when I watch a child play. They seek fun the way a mystic seeks the Divine: with ferocity and reverence. The result is the child and mystic experiencing fulfillment, peace, power, and joy.

My Gods, being Pagan, bless fun activities.

Joy Is Holy

I need joy. Joy heals. Joy reminds me of my power and connects me to it. Joy unites me with tribe so that we can stand strong together, empowered to defeat adversity. Joy cuts through my illusions and discouragement to settle me into love for and from others. Joy brings forth my inner goodness: for example, respect for—and right action concerning—other people.

We will work with all these aspects of joy. We will also work with joy as a pure magic unto itself: The course will show how joy can create miracles.

A sense of wonder—or call it awe—nourishes my spirit. When I am starving for hope and motivation, awe is my food—a feast! Then I know that the Universe has happy plans for me.

I love circus artists because they focus on creating wonder, whether as circus barkers or trapeze artists. For me, that demonstrates they are masters of ecstatic spirituality.

Their shows embody sheer joy, both the experience of it and the giving of it. In their way, they teach ecstatic spirituality.

Let’s run away and join the Fairy Magic Circus to learn unapologetic joy, empowering wonder, and powerful happy witchcraft from the happiness experts.

You will learn to use wonder as a magic that creates miracles.

In the Fairy Magic Circus, we will also experience sacred silliness that lifts us so we transcend our dilemmas, and then roots us into our common sense so that we know how to solve those problems.

And the circus performer archetypes will teach how to find joy, wonder, and happiness even during hard times. For example, joy is a sacred sensibility that can permeate all activities.

How To Attend

Call the event phone number to attend. The group meets by teleconference. No special technology is needed. You receive the number after enrolling.


We meet every week for four months, in one-hour lessons.

You have two scheduling options:

Enroll in the class that meets Sundays 1:00 to 2:00 pm PST,
from February 16, 2025 through June 15.

Or the class that meets Thursdays 6:00 to 7:00 pm PST,
from February 20, 2025 through June 19.

Reserve the class hour on Sunday June 22 or Thursday June 26, respectively, for a makeup session in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned meetings.


Cost is $200 per month for four months. Your carrier might charge you for the calls.

Enroll by February 12, midnight.

To enroll securely through PayPal, provide your phone number in the field below, then click the Subscribe button.

Pls give me yr ph number

When I receive your enrollment, I will email you to ask which of the two class schedules you chose.

If you don’t receive that email within a few days, check your spam filter and spam mailbox. If the email isn’t there, or you want to discuss a scholarship, semi-scholarship, trade, or payment plan other than the subscription, or you need additional information about the event, please call me at the number below. A few days before our first meeting, you receive an email with the event phone number and other details. Refunds unavailable.

Join the Fairy Magic Circus can be used as one of the two qualifying electives needed to participate in the advanced Fairy Witch Training.

Simplicity is among the most advanced magics. It gives me stunning spiritual and material victories. This class’s simple happy witchcraft is helping me reach all my goals more than ever.

Sometimes I develop curriculums that get shelved, no matter how much I’ve worked on them. Perhaps a few pieces of the curriculum remain elusive, so it isn’t ready to teach yet. Or I am too far ahead of the curve. Or another course I am creating feels more timely. I’ve wanted to teach Join the Fairy Magic Circus for years, it is such powerful versatile magic, and finally:

It is time. Let’s go! Get your ticket to the Fairy Magic Circus!

Pls give me yr ph number

Online Course: Holiday Magic


Enjoy the holidays, Pagan style. Make your season happy, abundant, safe, sacred, sane, and magical. This course has five powerful aspects:

WhtSnoflkOne) Weekly lessons, delivered to you by email. Each lesson is a digital Book of Shadows entry (PDF), ornamented by my seasonal shamanic art, which makes the Book of Shadows a cherished tradition in the years ahead.

I boiled lessons down to their essence, so they tend to be easy and accessible. They include:

* simple quick spells, prayers, and affirmations, to nourish, energize, and inspire you during the holidays.

* fun holiday crafts and decorations, Pagan-style. Use common household items to make enchanted seasonal decor: charms for just about anything you might wish. Children enjoy these crafts. Also, discover how typical American holiday decorations can be used in spells.

* Special rituals. We’ll experience the Winter Goddess’ sacred realm. Center into wholeness and joy. Enjoy the season’s spiritual beauty. Rites include a star-drenched Faerie Solstice celebration.

* Lots of material to choose from. Pick what you want to use this year and enjoy the rest for many years to come. The course includes powerful Fey-touched material I’d not published previously.

During your busy holiday season, there’s no need to waste time searching online for fun or meaningful activities. This course delivers them to you.

Enjoy unique magics not available elsewhere.

PnkSnoflkTwo) Magical decor: eight digital full-color amulets—my original Pagan art—for harmony, success, and more. Print and cut out to hang on your Yule tree or elsewhere in your home. Four of the amulets’ designs are suitable to display all four seasons, for yearlong blessings.

WhtSnoflkThree) Six audio recordings made especially for this course. Hearing spoken word can be enchanting, and a way you and I can be in sacred space together. So I recite excerpts of the weekly lessons. One recording will be part of the Yule ritual.

Receiving gorgeous PDFs, relaxing to enchanted recordings, and printing amulets are a satisfying, productive use of the digital world, instead of overdosing on social media and online shopping.

PnkSnoflkFour) I’m available by phone for up to 45 minutes. If you have questions about the material, need support because your commitment to the lessons falters, want to further explore a particularly tantalizing part of the curriculum, or have other concerns, feel free to phone.

You can divide the 45 minutes into two or three conversations. Conversations must occur during the span of the course or within a month after.

WhtSnoflkFive) Exclusive gift: I’ll give you a five-day direct spiritual transmission during Solstice week at no extra cost! Free! The price would have been $150. This Yule blessing heals inner blocks that sabotage your happiness, spiritually rejuvenates you, and centers you into what’s important to you. These benefits can last for months if not years.

StarSwirl3November is a turning point in the Pagan calendar. The course starts November 5, with your first lesson. You receive one lesson a week by email for 11 weeks. That will bring us halfway into January.

Post-Solstice lessons provide spells for a great 2024. You also learn how to work with mystical energies that occur in the weeks immediately after Solstice. Years ago, I noticed those energies and spent goodly hours developing related shamanic modalities for significant self-empowerment. Most of the post-Solstice material has remained unpublished till now.

If an unexpected event makes me unable to send one week’s planned material, I’ll extend the course an extra week.

Tuition: The regular price is $209 a month for three months, but I’ve lowered the cost to $167 a month. That is 20% off!

Scroll down to pay securely with PayPal:

Pls give me yr phone #

No experience needed. However, even advanced practitioners will enjoy this. If you need more information, or want to discuss scholarship, trade, or a special payment plan, call the phone number below. No refunds. My online courses aren’t transcriptions of oral tradition lessons. I teach oral tradition by phone. The online courses are special unto themselves—magic tailored to be spectacularly useful, exciting, effective, and safe when learned online.

Lessons are substantive without being overwhelming. You are brought gently and deeply into star-drenched Mysteries that heal, empower, and uplift.

Lessons also help us find joy. Joy is not an extravagance but more important than ever. Even when it is tiny, or we’re striving for it unsuccessfully, it wraps us in the Gods’ love for us. This helps Them protect, heal, and strengthen us. And They become more able to bring us abundance and other material blessings. Embrace Their gifts. Enroll now.

The Virtual Pagan Monastery 2023

The Virtual Pagan Monastery 2023

Retreat to the Virtual Pagan Monastery
where you can use Fairy magic to
achieve worldly and spiritual goals.

The Virtual Pagan Monastery group
begins Monday September 11
and is three-months-long.
Enroll by Wednesday September 6.

Ceremonies are led by Francesca De Grandis,
Fairy Witch elder and best-selling author of Be a Goddess!

Table of Contents

If this table’s links don’t work, scroll down for any of the event information.
Magical Overview of the Event
Attend by Phone. It’s Easy!
Three Master-of-the Arts Magics Will Fuel Your Success
Feel Too Busy to Visit the Virtual Pagan Monastery?
Anyone Can Find Power in the Virtual Pagan Monastery
Ongoing Empowerment
Going It Alone?
Fairy Gods Create Miracles
Miracles Can Happen Fast

Magical Overview of
The Virtual Pagan Monastery 2023

You are invited
to fifteen-minute-long ceremonies
three days a week
at my Fairy monastery.

In each brief meeting, you enter a mystical environment that quickly centers you into power and serenity. If that seem impossible—because, for example, you’re dealing with trauma—my students will tell you I deliver on my promises. Plus, the rituals also help manifest your pivotal material and spiritual goals. You get this three times a week without spending a lot of time. Ongoing re-centering, ongoing miracles.

Walk between the stars with me.
We will cast old-fashioned magical spells
for prosperity, serenity, the ability to serve with our precious gifts, or your other goals.

We will find peace, healing,
and outrageous joy,
our spirits held safe by Fairy Gods.

Then we’ll return to earth,
our hearts and strength renewed
with the ability to reach cherished goals.

If the earth’s weight bears down on us again,
we can return to our Faerie sanctuary
to walk the stars again and find the power we need
to meet the hours ahead,
with joy.

Definitions if you’re new to my work:
*Witchcraft and Shamanism are synonymous in my tradition. Ask me why if you want.
* Ditto spells, rituals, ceremonies, meditations, etc.
* All the magic I teach is Fey, whether described as such or not.

Think of the Virtual Pagan Monastery as a haven hidden in Faerie realms, or a Goddess temple, Druid grove, unusual monastery, or whatever feels right to you.

It is where we find power to fulfill longings. Love, money, health, serenity, self-love, and other desires.

It is a sanctuary and joy, even in the hardest times.

Paganism needn’t lack contemplative aspects to remain wild and free. Inner adventures fuel my passion for life. Ritual moments between the stars nourish and give joy like few things ever could.

Plus for my outward efforts to be effective and loving, I need an inner life. For example, the mystical planes are where I perform magical spells to succeed on the worldly plane.

I needed new terms to depict monastic spirituality that liberates instead of oppresses. The devotional practices, contemplations, and shamanic rites I channel for the Fairy monastery are not dour, overly formal, or anti-sex. I created the term ecstatic contemplative to describe folks like me. I also coined Pagan monasticism to expand the sense of spirituality. Ecstatic contemplations in the Pagan monastery free us from subjugation and give us the magical and worldly powers to live wild and free.

Attend by Phone. It’s Easy!

Simply call the event phone number to attend. The group meets by teleconference. No special technology needed.


The Virtual Pagan Monastery group meets three times a week for three months, starting September 11 and ending December 8.

We meet from 7:15 to 7:30 pm pacific time, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

You’ll need three minutes after each session to perform a special grounding ritual, which I’ll teach.

Reserve Monday December 11, Wednesday December 13, and Friday December 15, 7:15 to 7:30, for makeup sessions in case I’m unavailable for planned sessions.


Cost is $200 a month for three months. Your carrier might charge you for the calls.

To drop out, simply cancel your subscription, and no further payments are required. No refunds.

Enroll by September 6.

Click the Subscribe button below to enroll securely through PayPal.

Limited enrollment. Upon payment, your seat is reserved. If you don’t receive an email confirming payment within a few days, check your spam filter and spam mailbox. If the email isn’t there, or you want to discuss a scholarship, semi-scholarship, trade, or payment plan other than the subscription, or you need additional information about the event, please call me at the number below. A few days before our first meeting, you receive an email with the event phone number and other details. Refunds unavailable.

Three Master-of-the Arts Magics
Will Fuel Your Success

The enrollment price is a great bargain. I do a lot to help you accomplish a lot. Here are three Master-of-the Arts magics I bring to the monastery:

1) Oral Tradition Faerie Rituals Three Times a Week

I use master-level shamanic techniques to create ceremonies safe for beginners and substantive enough for adepts. Enrollment is limited so we can work in oral tradition, in which immense headway happens quickly. Fairy oral-tradition magic works only in small groups.

2) I Cast Spells For Your Success

Three times a week, for the entire three months, I cast spells for you to achieve goals. Here’s how:

Each meeting, you receive direct spiritual transmissions. Spiritual transmissions are a method I use to give you good luck, add power to your efforts to improve your life, and strengthen the magic of our rituals.

The transmissions also adapt to meet your needs, e.g., money, soul healing, physical health, opportunities to express your wild heart, or relief from pressing spiritual challenges such as despair.

3) One-on-One Shamanic Support by Phone

I’m available if you have concerns to discuss privately. Or, if you have a question that’d take too long to answer during a group ceremony, you can call.


Someone might think, “I won’t get much from 15 minutes.” But Francesca’s Pagan Monastery showed me how deep a 15-minute ritual can go. She knows how to do this.—Jenelle Campion

Life-changing. I don’t have words adequate to thank you. … One of the most deeply meaningful experiences of my life.”—Melissa

I am truly blown away at how much I was able to resolve and heal.”—Chad Woodward

Cost for three months of rituals, transmissions, and one-on-one support:
$200 a month.

Feel Too Busy to Visit the Virtual Pagan Monastery?

If you have to miss a lot of sessions, it’ll still work. For one thing, the rituals are set up so that, if you can’t attend all the meetings, you won’t miss instructions or continuity needed for the rituals you can attend.

For another, you benefit from every meeting because I give you a spiritual transmission whether you’re at the meeting or not.

I support you in your life circumstances and frame of mind.

I’m charging less than I might for the amount of work I’ll do. This way, you have the yummy option of coming to all of the rituals but can miss some without wasting money. Show up when you can, even if it’s only half of the sessions.

Another reason to not worry about time: When I’m not centered in my Gods’ love for me, I lose far more time than three fifteen-minute rituals a week. I waste hours on
* worry
* obsession
* time-robbing habits like too much social media
* ineffective solutions that leave me battling problems endlessly.

In ancient shamanic culture, tribes were busy—hunting, weaving, etc.,—and even more so during crisis. They didn’t shoulder on without group rites. Sacred group meetings were part of the everyday.

Grab this opportunity for immense blessings. This is the second Virtual Pagan Monastery group I’m leading in 2023 because there’s been an even greater need for it than usual. I tend to open the monastery briefly for visits only once a year and, in fact, it had not been open to visits in three years.

Anyone Can Find Power in the Virtual Pagan Monastery

The Fairy Gods stand with us against hierarchy. Anyone can visit the Virtual Pagan Monastery and get a lot out of it—beginner, adept, monastic, non-monastic.

I facilitate our circles with easy-to-understand, step-by-step magical instructions.

Ongoing Empowerment

Continual spiritual sustenance: fifteen-minute-long ceremonies, three times a week for three months.

It can be hard—if not near impossible—during crises or other busy times to spiritually tend to oneself, but the virtual monastery is a quick way to do it regularly.

Ongoing spellcasting: rituals three times a week to create and maintain success, luck, and wholeness.

A happy life requires care. Repeatedly, we need to regain emotional balance, experience spiritual renewal, and create positive outcomes.

Enrolling in this event might be one of the most important actions you take. If you need to miss some sessions, enroll. Perfect attendance isn’t always real life.

These special visits to the monastery are a chance to continually center into your wisdom, truths, and power, and to remain in a flow of good luck.

I need miracles often if not daily. Visits to the Pagan monastery keep miracles happening. For example, magic washes away doubt and pain, replacing them with confidence, peace, and success. Every visit is pure magic.

Going It Alone

Even if you know how to do rituals, it might be hard to fit them into your week because it takes time to do them, let alone create or choose the right ones. Plus willingness to consistently take care of oneself can be weak when on one’s own.

You needn’t go it alone. I’ll lead you in rituals.

One reason I open the monastery to visits is so that I have to show up three times a week to hang out with beautiful people and my sweet Gods. We all need fellow travelers.

Fairy Gods Create Miracles

Their magic is so strong that fifteen minutes improves your life. You emerge from each brief session more able to cleave to your path, do what’s needed to achieve goals, stay centered, take maximum advantage of opportunities, and overcome challenges.

Don’t take my word. Trust your gut. It might say that I excel at facilitating fifteen-minute shamanic experiences that are relevant, extraordinary, and miraculous. (If my self-praise seems overly bold: Mom told me to let everyone know how good I am at what I do because no one else was going to say it enough.)

If You Think You Have No Time to Visit the Monastery

Whether happily swamped with efforts toward fabulous goals, or consumed with holding your head above water, enroll. Here’s why:

Without the sophisticated, effective magics we will do, you might waste a lot of time going down rabbit holes. Instead, the rituals help keep your life and thoughts streamlined, focused on what you need and want.

When I commit my time to something important, even if I don’t know how I’ll be able to fit it in, the Gods make it work for me.

You’ll be able to fit in 15 minutes often enough.

Miracles Can Happen Fast

With the ancient Fairy Gods by us, we’re unstoppable. The Old Gods are miracle makers so They accomplish a lot quickly.

My shamanic methods have conquered challenges that should’ve killed me, and have freed me from inner and outer limits. They can do the same for you.

They give you spiritual and worldly power to have a happy life, no matter how large, complex, or sophisticated your challenges and goals.

I’ve never met anyone too successful materially, spiritually, or magically to not profit in major ways from my work.

Recoup, regroup, restart. Every day is new and offers miracles.

Fairy Magic Daylong Retreats

Once-a-Month Retreats in the Fairy Realm

Run away with me.
Honor your wild heart, child of the old Gods.
Their primordial gentle enchantments
empower us to reach our life goals
and fulfill our dreams.

Each upcoming retreat is in the Fairy Realm. Its magic frees you from inner and outer restrictions, while enchanting your life to provide exactly what you need.

We’ll enter the Mysteries to receive Divine guidance about our challenges and life path.

Fairy Secrets will lovingly surround you, centering you in your magical, miraculous, Fey, grinning self. When day ends, you’ll more easily get in touch with that part of you on a regular basis.

For decades, I’ve channeled rites. I’ll draw on this massive body of work that gives us strength, centers us, and renews our spirits.

To meet the moment, I’ll also channel material during our gatherings, ensuring the work is relevant to your needs.

It can be hard to take care of yourself. Spend a day being taken care of. Then afterwards you feel more balanced, and the most powerful, serene you is in control, to achieve your daily and long-term goals.

To attend a retreat, just dial the phone. We meet via teleconference (group phone call).

Here are January through March, 2021 retreats and each one’s specific magical approach:

Three Sacred Trees and Their Oghams
Saturday January 23

The trees oak, ash, and thorn are a triad historically known as sacred to witches. Druids consider these trees holy, too.

We’ll spend the day visiting with these three beautiful spirits of nature. They are our magical allies who will empower, guide, and restore us.

The Ogham alphabet is an ancient alphabet of 20 letters, each corresponding to a tree Druids held sacred. I’ll email you an image of the letters that correspond to oak, ash, and thorn. As part of our tree magic, you’ll learn how to use these Oghams to bless and deepen your shamanic experience of our day.

This retreat will be like a mini-festival held in a grove. We are old souls, children of Gods. They’ll attend our festivities, bless our Fairy magic, and spin enchantments that take care of you.

Avalon and Its Sacred Apples
Sunday February 28

This is based on my revisioning of Arthurian legends.

On the ancient Isle of Avalon, priestesses and priests of Celtic Gods dwelt in loving Mysteries and found power in the Old Religion.

Spend the day in this safe haven where the Gods’ unconditional love for us will spark our confidence in the magic that is within and around us every day.

A visit to Apple Isle—getting to spend the day there in all its magic, myth, and Mystery! We’ll do that! It’s one of my favorite places. I can hardly wait. My happy witch heart!

We will eat from the Tree of Life, gaining the wisdoms and abilities needed to meet our life goals.

My ancestors told me the Tree of Life is held safe and nurtured in Avalon. They also told me that there’s not one secret apple tree but an entire grove. This felt like a vital alternative to an angry deity who threw Adam and Eve out of the garden. A dog-eat-dog society is modeled on that wrathful, selfish, jealous deity. However, an orchard of magical apples symbolizes bounty for everyone because loving generous Gods always welcome us in Their garden. So mote it be!

Dragon Magic
Saturday March 20

Identify with dragons or drawn to them? This is a day for you. We’ll visit a magical draconian realm with more substance and depth than I’ve ever seen depicted (aside from in my visions).

Dragons are a symbol of the Great Mother Goddess—the Magna Mater—Who created all existence and showed me dragon magic helps us manifest our hearts’ desires no matter what’s going on around us.

She also taught me dragon magic helps us remain whole, despite all.

In visions, She revealed oceans in Faerie from which all creation springs. She showed me dragons swimming in those depths. We will dive deep into those sacred waters of wholeness and freedom.

The retreat rituals are given us right from the dragon’s hearts—the Magna Mater’s and mine.

Flying with fellow dragons and folks who love dragons is one of my favorite things. I look forward to this so much.

Faeries and Other Ancestors
Sunday April 18

Ancestors, both Fey and not, help us claim power and rights, find joy, and reach life goals.

My ancestors are the Old Gods. I believe in greatness. I believe all ancestral abilities reside within me; I can create as I will. I believe all this is true for you, too.

We will call on ancestors—your familial line, Fairy Gods, the stars in the sky, the first cell ever created, or whatever ancestors feel right for you—to join us in ancestral rituals.

If some people in your familial lineage were awful, no need to invite them. We’ll invoke good energy only, to affirm our beauty, glory, and strength.

I’ll lead rituals in which ancestors can guide us to our fullest power and the fulfillment of our dreams. We’ll get to play in Fey magic’s quiet, subtle, robust powers with our ancestral visitors.

Each retreat combines four shamanic approaches:

1) Rituals. On a retreat day, we meet, eastern standard time:
11:15 AM to 12:15
1:15 pm to 1:45
2:45 to 3:45
5:30 to 6:30
8:00 to 8:30
Possibly 9:00 to 10:00: if I’m unexpectedly unavailable for one of our rituals that day, e.g., my phone line goes out, we’ll meet in the 9 PM slot.

Rituals at each retreat will range from restful to ecstatic to transformative to ol’ fashioned witchy to solemn to silly.

I’ll use advanced shamanic techniques to create major healing and empowerment ceremonies safe for beginners and substantive enough for adepts.

Enrollment for a retreat is limited to 16 people, so we can perform ceremonies that can only occur in a small group, and so each participant can receive individualized attention if and when they want that support.

You’ll see, in the schedule below, breaks between the day’s meetings, so you’re not overwhelmed.

Please note: You’ll need about three minutes after each session to do a special grounding I’ll teach.

2) During one of the day’s meetings, you receive a psychic reading about your life path, in a ritual that helps you follow through on the guidance you’re given. So you can actually apply it to improve your life.

Whatever is going on in your life, it is likely I can intuitively address it.

My work tends to draw individuals who show up for life big-time. My intuitive readings are part of how I help them achieve big and keep at it, because I’m capable of reading about their specific concerns, no matter how sophisticated or unusual those concerns are.

3) Direct spiritual transmissions during the rituals.

What is a spiritual transmission?

I can only define my particular transmissions: I was born generating a beneficial field of energy. During our meetings, it adapts to your needs, e.g., personal growth, peace, a soul healing, physical health, joy for your wild heart, safety on the mundane and etheric planes, the strength to get back up after life’s knocked you down. The transmissions do not focus on one benefit only but bless you as a whole being. They also add luck to anything you do to improve your life.

4) I’m available for one-on-one support by phone, for up to one hour, should you want to privately discuss a problem related to the retreat material or have a concern about the retreat that’d take too long to discuss during a group ceremony.

You can divide the hour into two half-hour conversations. Our talks must occur within a month after the event.

All these elements—rituals, transmissions, psychic reading, and private one-on-one support if desired—weave together to make a major enchantment, which will probably snowball long after our retreat ends, helping us continue to be serene, powerful, happy, and of maximum service.

Total fee for a retreat’s rituals, transmissions, psychic reading, and one-on-one support: $225. Your carrier might charge you for the calls.

Save $50 when you enroll in three retreats in the same purchase.

Save $100 when you enroll in all four at once.

Prices in drop-down menu reflect any discounts.

To enroll, select the option you want in the dropdown menu and click the Pay Now button to enroll securely through PayPal.

To keep the drop-down menu from being so long that it’s unwieldy, there’s a “two retreats” option and a “three retreats” option. If you purchase either of them, tell me in a comment below or by email which retreats you are choosing. Thanks!

Faerie Retreat Options

Upon receipt of payment, your seat is reserved. You receive event phone number, etc., by email. Refunds unavailable. Call me if you want more information or to discuss payment plan, trade, or scholarship.

Retreat Dates and Enrollment Deadlines

Three Sacred Trees and Their Oghams
Saturday, January 23
Enrollment ends January 20 or sooner if limited spaces fill.

Avalon and Its Sacred Apples
Sunday, February 28
Enrollment ends February 24 or sooner if spaces fill.

Dragon Magic
Saturday March 20
Enrollment ends March 17 or sooner if spaces fill.

Faeries and Other Ancestors
Sunday April 18
Enrollment ends April 14 or sooner if spaces fill.

Gentle magic is powerful:

Retreats are in a Faerie sanctuary where gentle magics abound. It is a place of peace, music, fun, transformation, and guidance from Fairy Gods.

Gentleness is not the same as milquetoast. We’ll have richly enchanted experiences, not despite their gentleness but because of it. Fairy secrets are not phrases boasted like passwords. Fairy secrets are the lightest touch of the Goddess’ breath on my forehead, followed by Her kiss there, utterly transforming me and my life. Faerie secrets are living Mysteries, experiences that gentleness can help happen, allowing ritual to bring us deep deep in, within a few minutes, so these virtual daylong retreats will be remarkably effective.

With nice big breaks, we can do four whole hours of ritual in a day yet have an easy, gentle pace, so we don’t become overwhelmed, tired, or physically stiff from sitting on the phone too long.

During breaks, we can rest, stretch, eat, work out, run errands, or do whatever else we need to accomplish that day.

I cannot tell you how much I look forward to each retreat’s megadose of magic, Spirit, and camaraderie.


Stephanie Elizabeth Briggs: I am very new to Francesca’s world, but have already been deeply touched and inspired. 
I recently attended her November Faery Magic retreat day on a whim, and I am SO glad I did!

It was very nourishing to spend that time being held in Francesca’s field. I loved the intimacy of the group, getting to play, pray, sing, and share with kindred spirits, and there were some profound moments for me.

Francesca’s care and pacing was magnificent too. She took the time to help me feel at ease, and throughout our time together she made sure not to leave anyone behind. I also appreciated having plenty of breaks and integration time built in to the schedule of the day.

Francesca facilitates with a light and gentle touch but her magic has deep roots and power in the subtle realm. … In short, the retreat was a special experience.

Upcoming Event

Trauma, Shamanism, and Victory:
A Three-Week Shamanic Healing and Empowerment

Move from trauma to victory.

During or after crisis, the most basic emotional well-being can feel wobbly at best. Serenity and control of one’s life can feel completely unattainable.

In Trauma, Shamanism, and Victory, we will heal ourselves and our lives, and claim the prosperity, love, and other blessings the Universe sends us.

This course is suitable whether your crisis(es) is past or present.

Traumatizing situations range from current health dangers, to family dysfunction in childhood, to trauma in our DNA from ancestral misfortunes, to the loss of a loved one, to a terrifying societal norm, to economic loss, to portions of the media and social media tailored to emotionally batter us until we feel impotent and alone.

When devastated by misfortune, not everyone has the same trauma symptoms. But here are some rough sketches of what might occur. Most of these examples are extreme and might manifest more mildly:

* You function in a daze, mind clouded and emotionally numb. To avoid feeling helpless, you keep busy to the point of exhaustion.
* Confidence in your perceptions, decisions, and moral beliefs diminish. A belief that nothing can improve pervades your worldview.
* Exhaustion of body or spirit makes you feel unable to bear up under the smallest responsibility. The littlest challenge is overwhelming. You might need an hour—or day—to build up to performing a five-minute chore.
* A minimal stress causes panic and terror. It seems as if your spirit—your very essence—has been stolen. You feel without any purpose. Inner and outer power seem nonexistent.
* For self-protection, you withdrew emotionally. Isolated from the support needed to heal and find your power, your emotional devastation increases.
* You don’t go after what you want because you fear the pain and disappointment that might come if you don’t reach your goals will be unbearable. You reject offers of help you need to recover and triumph. No one seems trustworthy.

Whether your trauma (or traumas) is past or present, I reach out to you with my whole heart and soul to invite you into a safe space.

Join me in tribe. Enter a sacred circle. For three weeks, we’ll meet once a week, for a shamanic healing and empowerment circle.

Hope is not a lie. Here’s why:

1) Trauma, Shamanism, and Victory is down-to-earth shamanism that addresses real life issues.

War vets, incest survivors, and others can tell you my shamanic approach helped them move past suffering. 

2) For over three decades, I’ve developed and led ceremonies to help participants move through crisis and trauma and claim power.

Thus, I have an extensive repertoire of shamanic tools for this event. These decades also polished my shamanic skills to a degree of thoroughness that can only happen over time.

3) I’m not coming to our meetings as an outsider, but as someone who used shamanism to overcome tragedy herself. I repeatedly survived situations that would’ve killed most people, and came out triumphant. This informs our process.

It also means I won’t look down at you, with supposed superiority. We meet as fellow travelers.

4) Shamanically (as well as psychologically, and historically), trauma is an opportunity that could not be better tailored to springboard us into personal power.

Trauma, Shamanism, and Victory (TSV) helps our innate powers emerge, so we can better overcome problems, heal, live fully, and inspire others.

TSV also helps unlock our magic, creativity, and warrior spirit.

5) We can thrive in community. In this upcoming event, we can find wholeness, together.

An extremity of duress, even if past, can affect physical health, spiritual vigor, self-confidence, emotional well-being, and effectiveness. Reclaim them with me. With tribe, in sacred circle, in union with the cosmos, we can move on and claim our lives.

This three-week journey has three powerful aspects:

StarSwirl31) Three ceremonies, one per week, for three consecutive weeks. These rites are via group phone calls. To participate, just dial your phone. These will be major healing and empowerment ceremonies.

We’ll work in old-style oral tradition, which allows immense headway quickly. Enrollment is limited to 16 people, so we can perform ceremonies that can only occur in a small group, and so each participant can receive individualized attention if they want that support.

The rituals facilitate major transformation: energy will continue to shift in us after each rite, and probably snowball long after the three weeks end.

StarSwirl32) Direct spiritual transmissions for three weeks. Between weekly TSV meetings, the transmissions continue to support you, keep the healing and empowerment going, and more.

My transmissions are soul healings. They also bring additional serenity into your shamanic process, increase its power and safety, further your personal growth, and add luck when you do anything to improve your life.

One of each week’s transmissions will be during the group meetings.

I can’t say what “direct spiritual transmission” means for other practitioners. In my case: I was born a good luck charm, generating a beneficial field of energy. I don’t do anything to you; I don’t inject you with energy, rearrange your energy, or even dust off your aura, LOL. I simply give off a blessing energy during a transmission, much like burning incense gives off specific magical energies in a room.

My transmissions adapt to your needs, e.g., physical healing, or the spiritual strength to get back up after life’s knocked you down.

StarSwirl33) In addition to individualized attention during group ceremonies, I’m available for one-on-one support by phone, for up to one hour, should you want to privately discuss a problem, or if you have a concern that would take too long to discuss during a group ceremony.

You can divide the hour into two half-hour conversations. Our talks must occur during the span of the course or within a month after.

No experience needed for this event.

If you’re a shaman or other support for trauma survivors: a study showed that caring for folks in trauma can be traumatizing in itself. Join our circle, to receive the care you need.

Only a shyster or inept facilitator would promise to “fix everything” in a three-week ritual. Trying to do too much transformational work, all at once, can buffet the psyche, doing more harm than good.

Our journey can cause life-changing shifts for you. Many individuals who have gone on short journeys with me call the results miraculous. The brevity of TSV helps keep the process from being overwhelming.

A three-week process is long enough for my particular shamanic tools to foster substantial improvements in your well-being and circumstances.

When the three weeks end, you can continue making major positive changes, in a second Trauma, Shamanism, and Victory group.

After the first TSV group, there will be two weeks for participants, including me, to absorb the transformative work we accomplished.

Then a second three-week TSV journey begins—a different ceremony from the first one, utilizing different shamanic tools.

Enroll in either or both three-week groups.

The first group meets Sundays, 3:00 to 4:00 pm EST, for three consecutive weeks, starting April 19. Reserve Sunday May 10, same time, for a makeup meeting, in case I’m unexpectedly unavailable for one of the planned sessions.

The second group meets Sundays, 3:00 to 4:00 pm EST, for three consecutive weeks, starting May 24. Reserve Sunday June 14, same time, for a makeup meeting, in case I’m unexpectedly unavailable for one of the planned sessions.

Full cost for three ceremonies, three weeks of direct spiritual transmissions, and one-on-one private support is $250. Your carrier might charge you for the phone calls into the ceremonies.

Enroll in both groups before midnight April 15 to save $100. Your total cost is $400.

Use the drop-down menu to select one of three enrollment options. Then pay securely with PayPal:

Pls give yr phone number.

Upon payment, your place is reserved. You receive course details—e.g., the phone number to dial to participate in meetings—by email. No refunds. To discuss payment plan, trade, scholarship, or semi-scholarship, or if you have other concerns about the event, call me.

We are not powerless under the brunt of society’s force. Crisis can affect every part of our lives, but together we can move past trauma to live more fully, with confidence, creativity, personal authority, wholeness, and joy. Don’t go it alone or with negligible support. Join tribe. Enroll now.

Notre Dame Is Burning

As devastated as I feel about the fire, I also have feelings at the exact opposite end of the spectrum.

I didn’t know about the cathedral fire, until I received an email that happened to mention it. The friend writing the email was grief stricken and hoping the stained glass would not be destroyed. I checked online for more info. Good Gods!

I felt terrible grief and started to express that in response to the email, when the phone rang. It was one of my shamanic students. Before discussing my upcoming class in Faerie Druidry, she mentioned her sadness about the beautiful art in the church being ruined, specifically the same window that was mentioned in the email.

I have the same feelings about the art. Plus I have a special memory of visiting that church years back. Very special.

Despite being devastated by the destruction of Notre Dame’s beauty and by losing a piece of my own personal history, I have other feelings that are at the opposite end of the spectrum. The following information is from “The Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris is often affectionately referred to as The Forest because of the many wooden beams that have been used in its construction, and each of the beams came from a different tree, many of which were around 300 to 400 years old.  In fact this building is made up from 1,300 oak trees that represents approximately 21 hectares of forest.”

That cathedral required acres of trees being wiped out to support so much stone masonry.

During the phone call, I was hit with a past life memory. They chopped down my sacred groves, to build yet another church on a sacred Pagan site. They killed ancient living beings to create a monument solely to their own egos, for no God would have exacted praise that cost those oaks. 

So, even greater than my immense grief is the jubilant cry in my heart “Let it burn!”

Tree Magic

Tree Magic:
A Ten-Week Druidic Journey with Sacred Trees
for Prosperity, Protection, Personal Growth,
Inspiration, Magical Prowess, and Lots More

This ten-week course reveals simple, quick, effective enchantments for all parts of your life. Learn:

* how to use the magic of twenty trees sacred to the Druids

* the ancient Ogham alphabet and how to apply it magically. (I painted tiny Ogham alphabet letters to put throughout this announcement to bless this event. There is a large Ogham painting of mine towards the top of the post.)

* a wonderfully innovative, effective metaphysical principle that can make all your tree witchery more powerful. I’ll teach you lots of tree magic principles but wanted to mention this particular technique here. I discovered it experientially and then developed it over time. It is natural, easy, strong, and joyful, and is an underlying principle for all my tree enchantments. I can barely wait for class to begin so I can teach it because it’s so happy-making for me.

* how to have a personal relationship with sacred tree magic, including the Ogham alphabet. In other words, you won’t need to rely on books for information because you’ll receive information through direct experiences with tree magic, and you’ll discover how the trees work their enchantment specifically for you, as they wisely honor your unique character and path. You’ll learn a style of tree witchery that shapes itself to your physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. A personal relationship with the trees is joyful. If you already learn directly from trees, this course will help you do it at a whole new level.

Mind you, I will teach you about each tree’s specific metaphysical nature, but I’ll also show you methods for learning directly from trees, so you can continue to gain new powers from them for decades, if you so choose.

Along with everything above, this event is a true shamanic journey facilitating major transformations. These transformations will happen during our time together and probably snowball long afterwards.

Since there’s so much to this course and its journey, at first I wanted this event to take a year. But I realized a few things:

1) Many people can’t fit a yearlong event into their schedules, or pay the fee for a yearlong course.

2) The Gods didn’t want that long an event anyway.

3) I could create a spectacular ten-week event. What a journey this will be!

4) I developed building blocks for journeying with magical trees. During this intensive, we’ll use them, so they’ll be in your magical repertoire when the ten weeks end. Then, if you’re like me and want to continue journeying with sacred trees over the decades, you’ll have those building blocks, that foundation. I love offering that to you.

To pack everything in, this event has four powerful aspects:

One) Ten lessons, one per week for ten consecutive weeks. Lessons are via group phone calls. To participate, just dial your phone.

This is old-style oral tradition, which allows immense headway quickly. Enrollment limited to 16 people, so we can perform traditional Faerie spells that can only happens in a small group, and so each participant can receive individualized attention if they want it.

Two) Direct spiritual transmissions during meetings help make lessons powerful and safe, further your personal growth, and grant good luck. The transmissions also kickstart your magical prowess or bring it to the next level. They do the same for your mundane powers.

Here’s a quick definition of direct spiritual transmissions. I can’t tell you what it means for other practitioners, but in my case: I was born a good luck charm who automatically generates a field of energy that provides the benefits outlined in the previous paragraph. As such, I don’t do anything to you; I don’t inject you with energy, rearrange your energy, or even dust off your aura, LOL. I simply give off an energy during a lesson, the same way burning incense gives off a magical energy in a room.

Three) Twenty-five pages of digital handouts ornamented by my original full-color talismanic art. This witchy artwork adds further power to your journeying, both during the course and after it is over. These pages make a beautiful addition to your personal Book of Shadows.

Four) In addition to individualized attention during class, I’m available outside of class for one-on-one time by phone, should you need to privately discuss any class material or your personal issues using it, or you need support because your commitment to doing assignments falters, or you have other concerns. Private dialogue can happen after the course ends; it is important an oral tradition teacher be available one-on-one even long after a course ends; I commit to my students.

No experience needed. But even advanced practitioners will enjoy this course.

I’ll be leading two separate groups. One will meet Sundays, noon to 1:00 EST, starting February 3. The other will meet Mondays, 6 to 7:00 pm EST, starting February 4. Both groups run for ten consecutive weeks. If you choose the Sunday group, reserve Sunday April 14, noon to one, for a makeup meeting, in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned sessions. If you choose the Monday group, reserve Monday April 15, six to 7 PM.

Tuition is $354. Your carrier might charge you for the call. Pay securely with PayPal. Choose from two payment options:

Option 1) Use the Pay Now button below to pay $354 now. No PayPal account required.

Immediately after payment, email me to say whether you’re choosing the Sunday or Monday group. Or tell me in the reply field below this post.

Option 2) Use the Subscribe button below to pay in two installments: $177 now, followed by an automatic $177 payment a month later. Payments appear on the credit card associated with your PayPal account.

Immediately after subscribing, email me to say whether you’re choosing the Sunday or Monday group. Or tell me in the reply field below this post.

Once I know whether you’re choosing the Sunday or Monday group, your place is reserved. You receive course details—e.g., the phone number to dial to participate in the meetings—by email. No refunds. If you need more info, or want to discuss another payment plan, trade, scholarship, or semi-scholarship, call me: 814-337-2490.

The course’s approach to tree enchantment is unavailable elsewhere. Though you’ll learn traditional lore when relevant, a great deal of what you’ll receive isn’t the easily available traditional material, but is what I learned from the trees themselves—in direct experiences interacting with the druids’ sacred woods—and from the Goddess, combined with past life memories as a druid, my channeled information, and sensibilities from my family tradition. In my family tradition, I was raised to be a creator of new material. I call my approach Fey Druidry.

I don’t expect to offer this course again for at least another three years. And I turn 70 this year so, if you’re planning on studying with me, now’s the time. Yay!

A Beautiful Goddess and a Dirty Spoon


A Beautiful Goddess and a Dirty Spoon:
Kitchen Magic

Even the remains of breakfast—egg shells, tangerine peels, a dirty dish and spoon—are blessings on me.

A blessing: the remains of this meal flooded by sunlight pleases my eyes.

A blessing: to eat today and nourish my body is beautiful—such a gift!

For me, to be a kitchen witch means to acknowledge and appreciate the immensity of the harvests given me by my beautiful Goddess and to gift others in kind.

Today I will make a donation to feed a hungry child.

A blessing: to have some money to help someone in one of the most important ways—food.

To be able to give is such a gift. Were I to instead view giving as magnanimous on my part, it would imply that I was bending down from on high to help someone less worthy. I’d be denying who they are by turning them into a character in a story I’d written to pump up my ego. Instead, we are all in this together. Farming communities have long understood that it is by having each others’ backs that we all survive and thrive. It is a lie perpetuated by the American upper class that the best way to “make it” is on our own, climbing over the backs of others.

Getting to give is a gift. It is part of the cycle of life, a gate into the sacred circle, a consecration of the four directions, and one of the great mysteries. Giving is a chance to be a human being—such a gift! Giving is a chance to be with another human being (even if you never meet them because you’re donating to an organization that serves them)—such a gift!



Book of Shadows


My Fey kin,

Announcing a two-volume Third Road Book of Shadows:

* consisting of two PDF ebooks,

* every page ornamented by my full color shamanic art.

SmBanrFull price for this two-volume Faerie Book of Shadows is $50. Buy it at the special price of $43.

This is easy traditional witchery with substance: Pagan liturgy, inspirational contemplations, prayer,
mystical musings, and other straightforward magics help you live free and create your destiny.

The books aren’t like my texts that require committing to a training. You can think of some of these Book of Shadows entries as relaxed strolls through Fey landscapes. Entries vary in length. Some are a few words, like a quick visit I hope makes you smile … or even giggle mischievously.

I believe these otherworldly moments, which access Third Road shamanism, add beauty, inspiration, and enchantment to the reader’s life.

This project is a deeply personal sharing—intimate glimpses into both my private Faerie journey and my day as a shamanic guide.

Total pages of the two PDFs is 191 pages. My original shamanic art blesses every page, so mote it be!

Book I is The Third Road: a Faerie Shaman’s Book of Shadows. Its magic overflows into Book II: Trickster, with more Third Road Book of Shadows entries, including my pivotal 4000 word essay about trickster energy.


Trickster is usually portrayed as a conniving deity or person who perpetuates cruel jokes for our own good. The essay details how this is an erroneous view that squelches freedom.

I have an unusual view of trickster. The essay introduces you to the Trickster who’s neither cruel nor conniving. In a kind manner, she opens the door to freedom and joy. This trickster energy betters my private Fey life and work as a shamanic guide in ways not generally considered the sacred clown’s role, even in modern Pagan culture.

You meet the innocent—and often Divine Feminine—Faerie Trickster from whom all powers and joys spring. Divine Feminine Trickster is explicitly discussed in the essay a tiny bit and is implied in all its words.

I share this previously unpublished Trickster material after so many years because it’s pivotal to the immensely effective magic and enchanted Fey qualities people experience in the Third Road tradition of witchcraft.

Below is a sample page. It is not crisp and clear like the actual e-books because this website blurs images. Ditto the books’ covers.


I set a low price for high value, because I want you able to acquire an enchanted treasure.

If you cannot afford the set: I’m exploring options for low-income folks. More about that in a newsletter.

This set is two digital ebooks: PDFs with all original art by the author. Available only from the author here:

I decided against selling my last few books on Amazon. This is challenging, but some texts need independence. I sell them directly to my beautiful readers and fulfill orders personally.

From my Fey heart to yours,
Francesca De Grandis aka Outlaw Bunny

Traditional Shamanic Culture and Business


Did you know ancient Celts had a goddess of marketing? Or that their shamans charged for many of their services, as did ancient Native American shamans? Did you know ancient Mesoamerican merchants traveled to find sacred goods?

Shamanic culture once brought the sacred into commerce, in a way we desperately need today for two reasons:

1) It will allow us fulfilling, loving, profitable work.

2) It can help stop the immense, worldwide suffering caused by callous business practices.

The division of sacred and profane in the marketplace strikes at the core of human rights, Faerie witchery, and happiness.

As a witch, I’m part of a long heritage of magic used as a tool to free people from oppression. As long as the marketplace is driven by profit to the point of callousness, instead of by an ethical focus on being of service, results will remain tragic.

So I developed innovative theories and methodologies that provide a missing piece of witchery—a shamanic approach to the marketplace. I teach it in my new book:

A Sacred Marketplace:
Sell without Selling Out or Burning Out.
Mysticism + Marketing = Sales.


The book is two pronged in its benefits:

1) Many ethical, loving people have special gifts they want to bring into the marketplace but are stymied because they can’t figure out how to maneuver the insanity of our current business world.

These folks include artists, psychics, coaches, and others in alternative fields. Also included are people whose heartfelt dreams are less obviously special—e.g., you can make cosmetics in a loving way.

A Sacred Marketplace shows good people ethical ways to thrive in business. The book teaches

* easy, powerful, ethical marketing

* my personal philosophy of life, which is shamanic and spells out why it is moral to earn a living doing what we love and how doing so is vital to the well being of all Gaia’s children

* shamanic exercises to help you actually live that philosophy and develop personal traits for career success

2) The other benefit: if these good folks were in business, their sheer presence would help shift our business world into one where people matter more than profit. These loving practitioners would not have to do anything other than be present in the marketplace.

More talented good-hearted people in the world of commerce will—without these individuals even trying to do so—automatically transform the dominant business paradigm for society as a whole, from corporate, uncaring greed to loving concern for the individual.

I’m delighted I was able to create this book’s material. I am proud of my work in a way this society tries to squelch. Be proud of yours. Enter the marketplace with your special gifts and be prosperous. In the process, you’ll make a better life for everyone.

I care about you, so I beg you: do not wait. Great endeavors start when someone says, “I’ll do what I can.” If all you can manage is reading two minutes once a week, and you have no time to analyze what you read or to apply it, that’s a legitimate start. The book is Third Road shamanism, which means you absorb on a gut level, just by reading. Do it. Click here for A Sacred Marketplace: